
The 5 Key Fundamentals to Shooting a Rifle
The 5 Key Fundamentals to Shooting a Rifle By Troy Hoepker If it is your first time firing a rifle or your one-millionth, good rifle marksmanship is accomplished only through having a good foundation of the basic fundamentals. Even an experienced shooter will never improve if he or she changes a fundamental each and every […]
Choosing a Predator Rifle
Choosing a Predator Rifle By Troy Hoepker One thing you’ll probably never hear from me after I shoot a coyote that gets away wounded is to hear me exclaim that I didn’t have a large enough caliber bullet to anchor him. There’s always been a ton of discussion out there on which caliber is the […]
Difference in Ammo Accuracy
Have you ever heard the United States Marine Corps Rifleman’s Creed? It begins; “This is my rifle. There are many like it but this one is mine.” Perhaps you have? If you haven’t, look it up. Marines train as riflemen first and they learn the creed in turn to accept their rifle as a brother […]
Custom Rifle Loads
Peering through the scope, only one hole was visible on my target? I had already sent two rounds downrange with my .204 and wondered what was up? I grabbed the third round of this particular batch of handcrafted ammo and chambered it. Focusing again, the third round was off with a crisp trigger break and […]