
Simple, Effective Sets for your Trapline
Simple, Effective Sets for your Trapline By JD Rogge One common factor to most successful trapping lines is the ability to deploy a variety of simple yet very effective sets quickly, and with minimal equipment. Trappers at times tend to overcomplicate our craft, as is evident by some of the instructional material in print and […]
‘Rats and ‘Coons: Tried and True Sets
‘Rats and ‘Coons: Tried and True Sets As a long time trapper it is great to see a bit of resurgence in the sport over the last few years. While trapping took a hit during the late 80’s and all through the 90’s and 00’s it appears that many trappers are getting back into the […]
A Flat Fur Market and the Reasons Why
A few tiny strands of hair that I had collected off the wire spun between my forefinger and thumb as my eyes strained looking for clues as to what once held them. Yep, it was beaver fur and the flattened, condensed circle of snare loop at my feet was proof that I had almost caught […]
Colder Weather Coon Trapping
By Joshua Jones Picture this scenario as a trapper: It is Friday night before the opening day of the trapping season in Iowa and you are loading the truck with all equipment you may need for the next day. Hammers, trowels, wire, bait, gloves, etc. Everything that is on your list and checking it twice […]
Opening Week ‘Coon Sets
By Josh Jones In this article I will go over some “Opening Week ‘Coon Sets” that you can use to catch more ‘coon and give some tips that may help catch other fur like mink or muskrats. Set #1—The “Pocket” Set. To make this, you dig a horizontal hole anywhere from 3-4” to 12” in […]
The Elusive Mink
Why is it that many trappers can catch truck loads full of coon but only a few mink? Is it because they make sets that aren’t attractive to a mink or is it the way the trap is set so they miss the short legged animal? The male mink can get up to about 2-3 […]