Phesant Report

5 Tips for Late-Season Pheasants
5 Tips for Late-Season Pheasants By Tim Ackarman After several bleak seasons, pheasant hunters are enjoying a resurgence of Iowa’s premier gamebird. As fall yields to winter however, many turn their attention to deer hunting, ice fishing, or couch sitting. Yet hunters can still find birds right up until 4:30 p.m. on January 10 with […]
Iowa’s pheasant population steady, quail down
Iowa’s pheasant population steady, quail down Iowa’s pheasant hunters should expect to find a similar number of birds as last year, with the exception of south central and southeast Iowa, where the pheasant population decline was more significant. Based on the August roadside survey, Iowa’s statewide average is 17 pheasants per 30 mile route, down […]