
Field Techniques for Top-Notch Bird Taxidermy Mounts
Field Techniques for Top-Notch Bird Taxidermy Mounts By Nick Martin Whether you are new to hunting or a lifelong hunter, there Is one guarantee, you will form many memories over the years hunting! These memories can be captured in a variety of ways such as pictures, journaling, storytelling, etc. One great way to forever capture […]
5 Tips for Late-Season Pheasants
5 Tips for Late-Season Pheasants By Tim Ackarman After several bleak seasons, pheasant hunters are enjoying a resurgence of Iowa’s premier gamebird. As fall yields to winter however, many turn their attention to deer hunting, ice fishing, or couch sitting. Yet hunters can still find birds right up until 4:30 p.m. on January 10 with […]
Late Season Pheasants & Quail
Late Season Pheasants & Quail By Mac Chilton Pheasant and quail hunting at any point during the season has its ups and downs and poses various challenges to even the most experienced hunters. Early season hunts usually come with traditions, camaraderie, and hopefully abundant bird numbers. These hunts can be some of the most exciting […]
5 Tips to Bag More Pheasants this Season
5 Tips to Bag More Pheasants this Season By Troy Hoepker It was an unseasonably warm South Dakota day, the kind of day we all love, unless we’re in the midst of a pheasant hunt. This weather made the birds jumpy, which was troublesome, considering we were hunting public land birds that receive a great […]
Hunting Early Season Pheasants
Hunting Early Season Pheasants By Jessica Graham October is finally here and for pheasant hunters, that means Iowa’s pheasant season will soon open. We know from survey results that last year’s pheasant hunting was phenomenal. In fact, hunters harvested more pheasants last year than any year in the last decade. We want this year to […]
Hunting Iowa’s Wild Pheasants
Hunting Iowa’s Wild Pheasants By Troy Hoepker As my son Dylan and I turned onto the gravel road leading to our opening day hunting spot last fall we kept our fingers crossed that maybe we’d be lucky enough to be the first hunters to arrive at the IHAP public hunting farm. It was still a […]
The Benefits of Pheasant Food Plots
The Benefits of Pheasant Food Plots By Troy Hoepker If you’re a bird hunter reading this I bet I can take you along with me and you can picture this journey because you’ve seen it before with your own eyes. You’re slogging through the bluestem, the switchgrass, or other grassland flushing the occasional bird as […]
Thinking Small
Thinking Small Hunting in Iowa has changed significantly during my lifetime. Four decades ago wild turkey and deer were scarce or non-existent in much of the state. Most hunters started out shooting squirrels and rabbits before moving on to pheasants and/or waterfowl. Only then did they graduate to larger game, if they had access to […]
Quail Resurgence
Quail Resurgence By Troy Hoepker We’d witnessed Casey point plenty of pheasants before but on this point all four of her legs trembled uncontrollably like cold jelly. What lay in the weeds in front of her nose couldn’t be a pheasant? It was something she wasn’t sure of and to tell you the truth, neither […]