
The Basics of Trapping
The Basics of Trapping By Mike Sells With the recent rise in the price for raw fur, many of you may be considering starting a trap line. It is an excellent way to keep active in the outdoors and generate some extra income. In this article I will explain the basic skills required to catch […]
Dismal Days of a Fur Market
Every morning running the trapline, I’d roll up on many of my sets and find raccoon fairly regular. Each trap location that I’d scouted and set on was producing every few days bringing in consistent fur for the trapline as a whole. Except one particular spot that I’d check on every morning only to find […]
The Elusive Mink
Why is it that many trappers can catch truck loads full of coon but only a few mink? Is it because they make sets that aren’t attractive to a mink or is it the way the trap is set so they miss the short legged animal? The male mink can get up to about 2-3 […]