
The Art of Assessment
The Art of Assessment By Earl Taylor Fred Remington, the famous cowboy artist from the late 1800’s, once wrote describing a grueling 51-mile canoe trip down the Oswegatchie River in New York, “The zest of the whole thing lies in not knowing the difficulties beforehand.” For Remington, a big bend in the river did not […]
Mobile Ice Strategies to Plan, Locate and Stay on Fish
Mobile Ice Strategies to Plan, Locate and Stay on Fish By Nick Johnson During the hardwater season, finding fish can be one thing, staying on them as they transition throughout the day is a whole other beast. Each species can be different in this pattern and it pays to burn some gas, battery or muscle, […]
Taking Inventory
Taking Inventory By Dan Johnson This time of year a hint of depression usually sets in. Not only because it’s the dead of winter, but the hunting season is over and until the end of the month it’s still too early to go shed hunting. By now, I have already scouted my properties looking for […]
Whitetails 365: Buying Recreational Land, Part 2
Whitetails 365: Buying Recreational Land, Part 2 By Tim Peplinski In last month’s issue, I was purposefully vague in beginning to break down what it takes to be successful in buying recreational land. I hope as you read the article, you were starting to pull together a plan of your own if you are starting […]
Small Property v.s. Large Property Yotes
Small Property v.s. Large Property Yotes By Troy Hoepker Something about the little 80-acre property just seemed promising. I had been given permission to hunt the piece of ground years before but never had until that day. That year the farmer had put part of the ground into preventative planting and the weeds sprung high […]
Coyotes for Beginners
Coyotes for Beginners By Troy Hoepker For me, coyote hunting is about so many things that bring me joy. It’s following an abandon cattle trail to a little place only I know about where coyotes feel safe to visit. It’s the anticipation of what’s about to happen every time I place my lips around my […]
The 3.5 Guns Every Iowan Needs to Own
The 3.5 Guns Every Iowan Needs to Own By Michael Ware I had a bunch of guys in the shop the other day shucking and jiving and generally wasting my time. This happens more often than I’m happy with, but the reason I don’t get worked into a lather over it stems from the fact […]
Open Water Tactics on Ice
Open Water Tactics on Ice By Ben Leal The ice fishing season is upon us…a time of year where anglers and iceheads across the state have been itching for since the ice left area lakes last spring. Countdowns were posted across social media in anticipation of walking out of first ice…January means, hopefully, we are […]
Whitetails 365: Why Grain Food Plots
Whitetails 365: Why Grain Food Plots By Tom Peplinski Each winter, I go over what worked and what didn’t during last year’s deer season. The self-assessment is really taking place during the entire season. Did my access points to the properties I hunt offer me concealment? Were my setups close enough for archery hunting? Do […]
Shed Antler Hunting: An art of logic, luck and long walks
Shed Antler Hunting: An art of logic, luck and long walks By Kent Boucher Christmas gifts are excellent indicators of what makes a person tick. Allow me to explain. Most people would probably identify themselves as fitting into one of these three categories: havers, experiencers, and those who fall into both categories. If you were […]