
Don’t Do These Turkey Hunting “Didn’ts”
Don’t Do These Turkey Hunting “Didn’ts” By Gary Parsons Geesh what a mouth full of a title huh? Hopefully I can make sense of it for you. In the world of turkey hunting we all know that you have to do many things right in order to be successful. So if you shoot a Tom […]
Sunrise Success: Shooting that Early Morning Gobbler
Sunrise Success: Shooting that Early Morning Gobbler By Ryan Graden There is nothing like stepping out of the front door and meeting that cool spring breeze with my face on opening morning of turkey season. It’s like Christmas all over again. In the excitement of putting my gear on one item at a time, I […]
The Ultimate Deer Hunting Property
The Ultimate Deer Hunting Property By Ricky Kinder As an avid deer hunter here in Iowa I am always thinking or more specifically dreaming of that perfect deer hunting property and how great it would be to actually call myself the owner of such a property. You know what I am talking about; that perfect […]
The Thaw: Ice Out Habits of Iowa Game Fish
The Thaw: Ice Out Habits of Iowa Game Fish By Nick Johnson The disappearance of ice come spring is a sad time for those of us who love to ice fish. We begrudgingly put away the sleds, augers, and shacks and give one final farewell to all the gear until next winter. But alas, open […]
Making Your Plan: 5 Common Areas That Will Help You Find Your Tom
Making Your Plan: 5 Common Areas That Will Help You Find Your Tom By Ryan Graden Have you ever heard the loud and deep-pitched call of a gobbling Tom in the morning? There’s no better “wake-up” call in the timber! No kidding! If you haven’t ever heard it before, grab yourself a cup of coffee […]
10 Tips for Better Fishing Success
10 Tips for Better Fishing Success By Nick Johnson As fishermen there is a whole slew of things to consider in terms of fishing success. Things like gear, location, weather, presentations, just to name a few. At the end of the day the list could be a mile long and that’s a lot for one […]
Improving Walleye and Musky Fishing in Iowa
Improving Walleye and Musky Fishing in Iowa By Ben Leal Walleye seem to always be at the top of many anglers list when it comes to choosing a favorite. Walleye are a part of the perch family and are sought after across the State. Musky is that forever elusive fish and is known as the […]
The Pontier Buck
The Pontier Buck As told by Austin Pontier November 5th, 2016 is a day I’ll never forget. It all started in July 2016 when I first laid eyes on the deer that would forever leave an imprint on my mind. At this time of the year, I had been putting out trail cameras to figure […]
Late Ice and Big Crappies
Late Ice and Big Crappies By Steve Weisman I’m not sure which I get more excited for: early ice or late ice. Both times can provide excellent fishing opportunities. I guess what I like about late ice is the fact that the long stretches of intense cold are pretty much over with, old ice holes […]
Shed Hunting
Shed Hunting By Dan Johnson It’s March, and for me that only means one thing in terms of whitetail hunting… Shed hunting! Let me yell it one more time from the mountain top so you can get a good idea of how much I love this activity… SHED HUNTING! I don’t know what it is […]