
Iowa’s Bass Fishing

Iowa’s Bass Fishing By Todd Reed That thump on the end of the line can be ferocious at times and the jumps in the air so acrobatic. Only one fish in Iowa has those characteristics, the bass.  Bass fishing in Iowa can be had in all corners of the state. Ponds, lakes, rivers and large […]


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Iowa at its Finest Northeast Iowa Trout

Iowa at its Finest Northeast Iowa Trout By Earl Taylor “Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal, and give strength to the body and soul alike.” John Muir Little Paint. Sny Magill. Waterloo. Wexford. Bloody Run. Simple names that make my heart leap for […]


Whitetails 365: Can You Plant Too Much Food?

Whitetails 365: Can You Plant Too Much Food? By Tom Peplinski For as long as I can remember, at least the past 20 seasons, I try to make an honest assessment of how my whitetail season went after it’s over each year. The assessment is made in overall terms of how good my chances were […]


Iowa’s State Record Fish: Part 1

Iowa’s State Record Fish: Part 1 By Ben Leal Iowans enjoy some of the best outdoor opportunities of any State within this great Nation of ours. We have whitetail deer hunting that is without a doubt one of the best. Turkey is not far behind and pheasant are on the rebound. We are bordered by […]


Addressing Boating Issues

Addressing Boating Issues By Steve Weisman In an earlier article, we discussed boating issues or mistakes that can adversely affect our experiences, specifically trailering issues. Now, let’s take a look at other issues. In this article, we will cover drain plugs, electronics, anchors and addressing storms. #1-Drain plug With the importance of draining our livewells […]


The “Goods” & “Bads” of Late Turkey Hunting

The “Goods” & “Bads” of Late Turkey Hunting By Ryan Graden As you are reading this article, you may or may not know that the 4th Iowa Turkey hunting season is just around the corner! Time is ticking away and the end of Iowa’s turkey seasons is coming near, but it’s not over yet! No […]


Turkey Hunting Q & A

Turkey Hunting Q & A By Ryan Graden, Aaron Stonehocker, and Earl Taylor Time for some Q/A on Turkey Hunting and we are putting our turkey hunting freelance writers on the hot seat. We compiled a list of 10 turkey hunting questions that come up pretty regularly when hunting these wily birds. Keep reading to […]


Whitetails 365: Chainsaw Habitat

Whitetails 365: Chainsaw Habitat By Tom Peplinski When it comes to whitetail deer hunting, most hunters will spend an enormous amount of time and resources on their hunting gear. Whether it’s the time they spend planning their new equipment, or the money they budget and save for that big ticket item. Open any fall archery […]


Constructing a Pheasant Haven

Constructing a Pheasant Haven By Tim Ackarman By creating or enhancing wildlife habitat, landowners can turn almost any Iowa tract into a pheasant-hunting paradise. While introducing non-native species has often created unforeseen problems, the importation of the ring-necked pheasant from Asia has been a rare unmitigated success. In the late 19th and early 20th century’s […]