
Three Simple Late Season Turkey Tips
Three Simple Late Season Turkey Tips By Ricky Kinder Gobblers are silent, don’t respond to decoys or calls, have been breeding and fighting, and have been pressured and shot at by hunters for over a month now. If you thought early season turkey hunting was tough then welcome to late season turkey hunting! However with […]
The History of the Fur Trade in Iowa: Part One
The History of the Fur Trade in Iowa: Part One By Troy Hoepker Picture it in your imagination if you possibly can? The year is 1685 and after painstakingly securing supplies and food your trek began in Montreal. Once ready, you managed to navigate the waters of the Ottawa River until it opened wide into […]
Skills Every Angler Should Know
Skills Every Angler Should Know By Dan Turner So many of us go fishing or hunting like it’s second nature. We know how to tie knots, how to load and unload a boat, and even basic survival skills. Many of us have learned these skills since we learned how to walk, but many people never […]
38 Tips For 38 Days of Iowa Turkey Hunting!
38 Tips For 38 Days of Iowa Turkey Hunting! By Noel Gandy The doldrums of winter are behind us, friends! Warm, sunny days are ahead and with that comes a favorite pastime of many: Spring Turkey Hunting! Iowa offers a unique style of turkey hunting date options that incorporate four different seasons plus a youth […]
Chilly Open Water Cats
Chilly Open Water Cats By Brad Durick Spring is here (or should) be. After a long winter we all are ready to get outside and enjoy the fresh air. The ice is off but the water is still cold. It is not yet pre spawn yet catfish are starting to come alive. Spring brings new […]
Dutch Oven Campfire Cooking
Dutch Oven Campfire Cooking By Ryan Graden Camping season is upon us and it’s time to think of what you’re going to eat. Sure, you could do the easy stuff like cereal for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch, and roast a hotdog over the fire for dinner. But why not try something a little better? Who […]
Hanging Out In Iowa: Hammock Camping in the Hawkeye State
Hanging Out In Iowa: Hammock Camping in the Hawkeye State By Rod and Laura Woten It doesn’t seem to matter where we camp, our hammock setup always seems to be the talk of the campground. If we had a nickel for every person that stops by and asks to check out the hammocks that Laura […]
Planning Your Next June Catfish Destination
Planning Your Next June Catfish Destination By Brad Durick June is here, and with it comes cooling summer evenings; the time when bank lines are set and fishermen across Iowa seek out channel catfish. The summer feeding patterns can be some of the most exciting and rewarding times to catch those cats. Many catfish anglers […]
How To Take A Kid Fishing
How To Take A Kid Fishing By Todd Reed Fishing is in full swing, and there is nothing better than a special fishing trip with a child. It doesn’t matter if the child is five years old or 15 years old, that child has dreams of catching fish and having a good time with a […]
Early Spring Fishing: BASS
Early Spring Fishing: BASS By Todd Reed April cold water bass fishing can be one of the most challenging times of the year to follow and catch these fish. However, if you study the weather, choose the correct baits, and know where to begin looking for bass you will be one up on the average […]