
Key Lockdown Locations to Know

Key Lockdown Locations to Know By Gary Faith Being in a treestand during the whitetail rut here in Iowa is what dreams are made of. Waiting for a hot doe to come trotting through with a big bruiser in tow is what all of us hope for each time we climb into the tree during […]


Phasing Your Way Through the Iowa Rut

Phasing Your Way Through the Iowa Rut By Aaron Stonehocker November is a magical time for Iowa bowhunters. The early season buck routines are fading into an all-out crap shoot of big buck activity, where their focus is more about interactions with the does in an area and less on surviving their travels from bedding […]


Common Errors Made by Pheasant Hunters

Common Errors Made by Pheasant Hunters By Kent Boucher One of my favorite experiences is the sudden machine gun-like cadence of an eruption of flapping wings, accompanied by the appearance of a long streamer of tail feathers and the beautiful cola colored outline of a rooster pheasant. In the age of digital media overstimulation it’s […]


It’s the Rut, Now What

It’s the Rut, Now What By Noel Gandy Every November there seems to be an epidemic of folks who call in sick to work. Their affliction: Buck Fever! Men and women across our state have their eyes set on a trophy whitetail and this is one of the occasions to capitalize. November marks the prominent […]


What it is like to be a Tournament Bass Angler

What it is like to be a Tournament Bass Angler By Todd Reed Bass tournaments are the ultimate fishing thrill.  The feeling that you get at 5am as you hop in your boat and face your competitors for the day is like no other.  I have been fishing tournaments for twenty-five years and there is […]


Summer Prep for Trapping Season Success

Summer Prep for Trapping Season Success By Dan Turner A successful trapper never stops learning or pursuing to be more successful. And a successful trapper is an efficient trapper. As I think about some of my first years trapping, I remember putting down a bunch of traps, driving a bunch of miles, and using up […]


A Flight of Passage!

A Flight of Passage! By Jacob Vanderberg It starts with a change. That first real bite of cold in early fall when the leaves have barely started to turn and daylight periods grow shorter. It isn’t a rapid change, but more of a coaxing that sends those first early migrants on their southward journey. Waterfowlers […]


When the Pressure (Hunting) is High

When the Pressure (Hunting) is High By Ryan Graden I grew up hunting with a great bunch of guys from my church. Most of them were farmers who had plenty of land and enjoyed the company of a city boy and his dad. Deer drives were our method of hunting and with these guys on […]


Top Tactics for Each Stage of the Rut

Top Tactics for Each Stage of the Rut By Ryan Graden I walked out this morning and it hit me! The cooler temperatures of the fall have finally showed up. Immediately, my mind went to my hunting memories. The smells, the sounds, and the scenery of my favorite hunts. The things that I have witnessed […]


Public Land Bucks

Public Land Bucks By Gary Faith When it comes to chasing of public land whitetail, I am constantly looking for that tip or tactic that is going to drastically swing the momentum of opportunity my way. I’m always searching for the hidden secret that will allow me to be ahead of the curve. Truth be […]