
Born to Duck Hunt
Born to Duck Hunt By Steve Weisman To say a diehard duck hunter is a breed of its own is, well, definitely not an understatement. After all, who else would be excited about waking at 3 am in the morning, facing below freezing temperatures, battling strong northwest winds than one of those crazy diehard duck […]
Why Prescribed Burns are Needed
Why Prescribed Burns are Needed By Steve Weisman Each spring we can see clouds of smoke billowing up from both state wildlife areas and on private tracts of grassland all across northwest Iowa. Oftentimes I will hear people questioning or complaining about the fire eating up the spent grasses from the previous year or even […]
Whitetails 365: A Life Changing Fall: Treestand Safety from an Injured Hunter
Whitetails 365: A Life Changing Fall: Treestand Safety from an Injured Hunter By Noel Gandy “You’re so young that I don’t really want to do back surgery, but, be prepared to make some adjustments to how you live your life”. These were the words that were uttered to me by a specialist at Southern Bone […]
November Pheasant Hunting
November Pheasant Hunting By Troy Hoepker Say the words “November in Iowa” to a devoted bird hunter and the mind conjures up a multitude of ambient memories. Memories of birds in flight, dogs bounding through the grasses with nose to ground, and the camaraderie shared by family and friends in the field whom share the […]
Getting Started Trapping
Getting Started Trapping By Troy Hoepker The coyote traps went in the ground last year about ten days into November. After seeing lots of sign, and capturing pictures on the trail camera of multiple coyotes traveling through, I had a spot that looked promising. A flat set and two dirt hole sets scattered about 40 […]
Avoiding Paralysis by Analysis During The Rut
Avoiding Paralysis by Analysis During The Rut By Kent Boucher “Yeah, Staci and Hannah said they saw a big buck bed down with a doe over by the burn pile last night, when they were cruising around on the Ranger. I’m not sure if he’s still there or not…” Those were the words of my […]
5 Life Lessons Learned from the Field
5 Life Lessons Learned from the Field By Bailey Dodd Imagine this, you take your five year old daughter on a turkey hunt. You forget hearing protection so you tell her that she will need to plug her ears if you take a shot so it won’t be as loud. A big gobbler steps out […]
A DIY Preseason Game Plan for Gundogs
A DIY Preseason Game Plan for Gundogs By Kent Boucher In my football playing days the preseason was one of the most intense times of the year. Although the coach’s calendar would say the preseason officially started sometime in early August, in reality it began months earlier during the summer weight lifting and conditioning program. […]
Effective Strategies for Hunting November Food Plots
Effective Strategies for Hunting November Food Plots By Jessica Graham I always like getting settled into my treestand early in the morning. It is a chance to debrief from the world in peace and enjoy God’s creation. On this frosty November morning I was hunting over a 3-acre food plot consisting of brassicas and alfalfa. […]
Prepping for Ice Fishing
Prepping for Ice Fishing By Steve Weisman When you ice fish and live north of HWY 20 in northern Iowa and the month of November arrives, it’s time to think “pre ice fishing”. You never know what might happen. Here on the Iowa Great Lakes, there have been times when I have been ice fishing […]