
Late Season Muzz – What’s the Buzz?
Late Season Muzz – What’s the Buzz? By Ryan Graden I grew up shotgun hunting with the same great group of guys every year from the time I was about thirteen until I was in my early twenties. I looked forward to the first weekend in December as if it were a holiday finding it […]
2022 Sportsman’s Christmas Guide
When the Pressure (Hunting) is High!
When the Pressure (Hunting) is High! By Ryan Graden I grew up hunting with a great bunch of guys from my church. Most of them were farmers who had plenty of land and enjoyed the company of a city boy and his dad. Deer drives were our method of hunting and with these guys on […]
How to Locate Waterfowl After Opening Day
How to Locate Waterfowl After Opening Day By Jacob Vanderberg It starts with a change. That first real bite of cold in early fall when the leaves have barely started to turn and daylight periods grow shorter. It isn’t a rapid change, but more of a coaxing that sends those first early migrants on their […]
Overcoming and Adapting to Whitetail Obstacles
Overcoming and Adapting to Whitetail Obstacles By Ryan Graden Obstacles. Hate ‘em, but gotta like ‘em. Right? I’m old enough now to know that when things get in my way of accomplishing a task, I don’t like it. It might make things harder. It might add time to whatever I’m doing. It might create delays. […]
Tricks Turkeys Fall For: How to Bust that Fall Thunder Chicken
Tricks Turkeys Fall For: How to Bust that Fall Thunder Chicken By Aaron Stonehocker Iowa has three seasons: Spring Turkey, Summer Fishing, and Deer Season. Each season has its unique pull on our heart strings, however only one offers the chance at a mixed game bag. Deer season carries the added benefit of overlapping with […]
Public Land Bucks
Public Land Bucks By Gary Faith When it comes to chasing of public land whitetail, I am constantly looking for that tip or tactic that is going to drastically swing the momentum of opportunity my way. I’m always searching for the hidden secret that will allow me to be ahead of the curve. Truth be […]
Fishing for the Predator of Predators: The Muskie
Fishing for the Predator of Predators: The Muskie By Steve Weisman Mention the fall season and you’ll find anglers going after all kinds of fish: walleyes, largemouth and smallmouth bass, perch and other panfish. However, there is a group of anglers that go after the top of the food chain, the predator of predators…the muskellunge. […]
Strategic Rooster Hunting
Strategic Rooster Hunting By Kent Boucher If I was asked to identify my greatest weaknesses I would be able to compile an extensive list within a moment, and one item on that list would be grocery shopping. I walk into the store, forget to grab a cart and then begin wandering aimlessly down the aisles […]
Common Wing Shooting Mistakes
Common Wing Shooting Mistakes By Nick Johnson Wing Shooting is a fantastic outdoor sport that many of us grew up having the privilege to partake in. For some, myself included, pheasant hunting was what led me to love the sport of hunting, apply hunter’s safety and respect wildlife. Pheasants are definitely a popular choice for […]