
Hunting Waterfowl Beyond Opener

Hunting Waterfowl Beyond Opener By Nick Johnson Take a distant glance at waterfowl hunting in Iowa throughout the season and you will see a predictable shift in hunting pressure that occurs after the first couple weeks of the season. A chunk of hunters that ventured out early have hung their waders up to focus on […]


Reasons why you Should Still be Fishing

Reasons why you Should Still be Fishing By Todd Reed The fall months in Iowa are very special for those that love the outdoors.  Hunting seasons have begun and more will soon open for different species. However, as an Iowa Sportsman I turn to the water just as much or more during these late season […]


Summer Prep for Trapping Season Success

Summer Prep for Trapping Season Success By Dan Turner A successful trapper never stops learning or pursuing to be more successful. And a successful trapper is an efficient trapper. As I think about some of my first years trapping, I remember putting down a bunch of traps, driving a bunch of miles, and using up […]


Fake Out: Decoying Tactics for Rutting Whitetails

Fake Out: Decoying Tactics for Rutting Whitetails By Noel Gandy Counterfeit, fraud, hoax, phony: all are words that may be used to describe the art of decoying mature whitetail bucks into archery range. If one can effectively trick the senses of a whitetail buck by using decoying tactics then the odds of having an archery […]


Whitetails 365: Hunting Iowa’s Gun Seasons 2022

Whitetails 365: Hunting Iowa’s Gun Seasons 2022 “I Got Him Daddy, I Got Him?” By Noel Gandy One of the greatest instances of my personal hunting career had very little to do with me pulling a trigger and more to do with the fact that my son had just put a well-placed shot on his […]


Fur Market Struggles During Uncertain World Events

Fur Market Struggles During Uncertain World Events By Troy Hoepker Covid 19 shutdowns in China, Russia’s savage invasion of Ukraine, oversupply and limited demand have all created the perfect storm to leave the fur market struggling to see an optimistic future this year. Uncertainty is the best word to describe current conditions on the global […]


Spot & Stalk Iowa Coyotes

Spot & Stalk Iowa Coyotes By Troy Hoepker I peered out of our kitchen window seeing the burnt orange sky illuminated from the sun’s imminent rise framed between the old red corncrib and our picturesque red barn with Dad’s cattle lot centered inbetween. The school bus came very early to our driveway. Way too early […]


Hunting the Late Archery Split

Hunting the Late Archery Split By Jessica Graham For bowhunters, it does not get much better than hunting the rut. Deer are active during daylight hours, anything can happen, especially if an estrus doe is in the timber. It amazes me how one doe can have a buck guarding her, chasing off other bucks that […]


Selecting the Best Ice Auger for Ice Fishing Season

Selecting the Best Ice Auger for Ice Fishing Season By Todd Reed The world of ice fishing has changed so much in the past twenty years that some do not even recognize the sport anymore. Gone are the days of a couple of poles, a handful of jigs, a five-gallon bucket and a hand auger. […]


The Most Wonderful Pheasant Time of the Year

The Most Wonderful Pheasant Time of the Year By Kent Boucher “It’s the most wonderful pheasant time of the year! There’ll be hunting parties for pushing and posting, the dogs won’t be roasting, and the birds will hold tight in the snow. There’ll be sharing of late flushing stories, and tales of the glories of […]