
Taking A Long-Lasting Memory

Taking A Long-Lasting Memory By Ryan Graden “A picture is worth a thousand words.” It’s a phrase that we’ve all heard before. However, as a sportsman, I would argue, “A picture is worth a thousand memories.” As I’m am typing this article in my office, I am surrounded by pictures and memories on my walls […]


Whitetails 365: A Guide to Choosing the Best Stand Location

Whitetails 365: A Guide to Choosing the Best Stand Location By Aaron McKinney It’s August, and bowhunters across the state are gearing up for another epic season. The thrill of patterning summer deer and strategizing for the upcoming bow season, youth season, and early muzzleloader season is in the air. Have you considered new stand […]


Clock Out and Hunt without Smelling Like Work

Clock Out and Hunt without Smelling Like Work By Kent Boucher In a past life I worked as a science teacher. There are many things that make teaching a unique working experience- very little peer interaction, your homework is grading homework, your life is run by bell schedules, and the most unique aspect of all- […]


Blind Ambition: Finding The Perfect Hunting Blind for your Needs

Blind Ambition: Finding The Perfect Hunting Blind for your Needs By Jessica Graham In the early morning hours, as the sun peeks over the horizon, a hushed anticipation fills the air. I sit in my hunting blind, carefully concealed amidst the heart of deer country. This blind, on my Dad’s property, provides me with a […]


Tuning Your Archery Equipment

Tuning Your Archery Equipment By Donise Petersen Archery is a sport anyone can do, right? So why is it hard to answer questions, one would assume, are basic questions and ought to have an easy response. Find a Trusted Archery Dealer When I tell acquaintances I’m blessed to teach archery for a living, the first […]


Tips to Maximize your Duck Season

Tips to Maximize your Duck Season By Randy McPherren Probably more important than the type of decoy set up you create is finding the right spot to hunt. Where are the best places to go in your area? How do you locate the spot in your area? Like Iowa, most states have public marshes, wildlife […]


Thriving Deer Thrilling Hunts

Thriving Deer Thrilling Hunts: Unleash the Power of Fall Food Plots By Jessica Graham When it comes to creating irresistible fall food plots for deer and turkeys, few options rival the power of radishes, turnips, and oats. These dynamic plants not only provide a mouthwatering feast for wildlife but also offer significant benefits for land […]


Catfish Tech: The Advantage to Using Electronics in Catfishing

Catfish Tech: The Advantage to Using Electronics in Catfishing By Brad Durick Let’s face it, technology is everywhere these days. From smartphones to smart TVs to depth finders, technology is advancing at break neck speed and not slowing down any time soon. So the question for you as a catfish angler is, why should you […]


A Beginners Guide to Deer Hunting

A Beginners Guide to Deer Hunting By Jason Smith Whether you’re fortunate enough to be invited to join someone on your first deer hunt, or you’ve decided to give it a go all on your own, everybody has to start somewhere. I was fortunate enough to join my father’s shotgun hunting party when I was […]


A Student of the Game

A Student of the Game Like any other sport we must be students By Brad Durick I recently read an article about one of my favorite hockey players, Mark Schiefele. The article talks about his upbringing in the sport of hockey and how even as a now established professional in the NHL he is always […]