
Coyote Hunting a Conservationist’s Duty
Coyote Hunting a Conservationist’s Duty By Jacob Smith I started tagging along with my dad hunting when I was a little kid. I vividly remember when I started getting into coyote hunting. It was something I could do with my dad during the summer nights, and when I was waiting for deer season to approach. […]
Bobcat Hunting Tips and Tricks
Bobcat Hunting Tips and Tricks By Troy Hoepker The lead bobcat could be in our laps in a matter of seconds if she thought something looked edible. If she chose to attack, there was a chance the larger, more powerful male 10 steps behind her might just pile in on the attack as well. Crouched […]
Difference in Catching Fish in the Summer vs. the Fall
Difference in Catching Fish in the Summer vs. the Fall By Todd Reed As another page on the calendar is turned and the heat of summer is now gone, fall is in the air. To many fall equates to hunting seasons and football, while some outdoors people are still enjoying the sport of fishing. If […]
Finding Coyotes before Breeding Season
Finding Coyotes before Breeding Season By Troy Hoepker There’s an old myth that implies coyotes are almost impossible to kill during the months of December and January because of the constant intrusion and disruption from the orange army of deer hunters, which invade their territory during that time. The theory suggests that coyotes become strictly […]
The Basics of Waterfowl Spreads
The Basics of Waterfowl Spreads By Aaron Stonehocker As the temps cool and the last of the leaves finish turning from brilliant yellows, reds, and oranges into a dull brown, the energy builds for the waterfowl hunters in Iowa. Iowa falls into the Central Mississippi Flyway and Iowa hunters are lucky enough to have access […]
Keeping Warm When the Hunt is Cold
Keeping Warm When the Hunt is Cold By Kent Boucher Normally you purchase one of the fair-weathered early muzzleloader tags. Historically it’s been such a good season to hunt, but this year you had an ill-timed work conference that ate up most of that choice week. Preferring the length of a muzzleloader season, you settled […]
Bowhunting Blunders: 10 Bowhunting Mistakes to Avoid
Bowhunting Blunders: 10 Bowhunting Mistakes to Avoid By Ryan Graden So you think you know how to make it happen, huh? You are going to march right out there on October 1st and fill your 2015 archery tag? Well, it’s a possibility, but for most guys and gals it’s going to take a bit more […]
Fall Channel Cat Madness
Fall Channel Cat Madness By Brad Durick The leaves are changing colors or might even be starting to fall depending on where you live. The mornings are cool and the sun is setting earlier than it did just a couple months ago. While we are raking leaves and getting the yard ready for winter, channel […]
A Sportsman’s Best Friend: The Chainsaw
A Sportsman’s Best Friend: The Chainsaw By Joe Herring Why a chainsaw article in a hunting and fishing magazine? Arguably, aside from a tractor, there is no other piece of equipment that allows us to shape our hunting and even fishing property with the use of a chainsaw. With a good plan and a few […]
Cooling Crappies
Cooling Crappies By Ben Leal October in Iowa…nature, as a whole, begins its transition from summer to fall. Average daytime highs will reach 68 degrees while lows will fall to the upper 40’s. By then end of the month we will see a 10 to 15 degree drop in those averages. Fishing for crappie is […]