
Multi Farm Real Estate Auction
Stalking the Stalker
Stalking the Stalker By Troy Hoepker If you close your eyes for a moment and imagine the perfect coyote hunt, no doubt it would include pristine, glistening snow undisturbed of tracks and human interference. The morning sun setting the sky ablaze above, as the steam from your breath disappears like smoke in the wind as […]
What Now?
What Now? By Noel Gandy The old saying, ”Time flies when you’re having fun,” is certainly true when it goes to the Iowa whitetail season. Hunters who were once budding with anticipation for the October 1st opener are now left asking themselves, “Where did the time go?” For the passionate deer hunter there can be […]
Fish Wintering Habits
Fish Wintering Habits By Ben Leal By the time February rolls in we are well versed in angling experience. We think we have the fish figured out and locked in. Then, for some unknown reason, the fish move off our spot and seem harder to find. Weather can play a role in how fish react, […]
When the going gets Tough on the Ice
When the going gets Tough on the Ice By Todd Reed The weekend is upon us and we have the green light for a trip to the ice. The feeling can be magical on a Friday afternoon. As you drift off in your mind you can see the bluegills piled up beside your bucket, and […]
Give’em what they want and how they want it
Give’em what they want and how they want it By Bob Jensen Whether you’re after fish in open water or through the ice, your lure presentation is one of the most important considerations for success. Since ice-fishing season is fast approaching in many areas, now is a good time to think about lure presentation as […]
Conservation Award Winners Announced from the National Deer Association
Conservation Award Winners Announced from the National Deer Association Article and photos courtesy of National Deer Association The National Deer Association is pleased to present our 2023 Conservation Awards recognizing significant contributions to the future of wild deer, wildlife habitat and hunting. Click the links to learn more about each of our winners and their […]
Calling all Iowa Sportsman!
Calling all Iowa Sportsman! By Jessica Graham Tired of the same old hunting and fishing stories? Want to get the inside scoop on the latest gear, techniques, and local hotspots? Then, you need to tune in to The Iowa Sportsman Podcast. You can expect up-to-date hunting and fishing reports. Get the lowdown on what’s biting […]
Whitetails 365: DIY Water Hole for Deer
Whitetails 365: DIY Water Hole for Deer By Aaron McKinney Having clean water is of utmost importance for deer as it is essential for their survival and overall health. Having a place with food, cover, and water is vital for any successful hunting property. If you’re lacking in one of these, you will lose deer […]
Shed Hunting Secrets from the Experts
Shed Hunting Secrets from the Experts By Kent Boucher Shed hunting is one of the most magical bonus gifts that nature provides to all of us hopeless outdoor addicts. Sometimes my inner dialogue exclaims “You mean to tell me there are antlers just laying around out there waiting to be picked up?! For free?!?” Yeah, […]