
Whitetails 365: Food, Stands, Habitat
Whitetails 365: Food, Stands, Habitat By Tom Peplinski Last month I told you, the hunter/landowner, that if you concentrate on food, stand locations, and habitat that you would be well on your way to creating your own incredible whitetail hunting farm. These are what I call the big three in hunting farms. Provide all three […]
When and Why to Hire a Fishing Guide
When and Why to Hire a Fishing Guide By Brad Durick In today’s fast paced society, time is of the essence and when you do get a chance to go fishing you want to make the most of it. Hiring a fishing guide can be a cost effective and efficient way to make the most […]
Dissecting A New Body of Water Through the Ice
Dissecting A New Body of Water Through the Ice By Todd Reed We all have those go-to lakes near our homes that “guarantee” a good days’ catch. It is very rewarding to figure out a lake and its subtleties to find the fish we seek out during the wintertime. These are the lakes we return […]
Putting Slabs on the Ice
Putting Slabs on the Ice By Steve Weisman When ice fishing season rolls around, bluegills and crappies are two of the most sought after fish. Many anglers, myself including, find that if we target bluegills we will also run into crappies. So, on early ice we will start in the shallows, in bays where there […]
Jamie Brincks Buck: Part II
Jamie Brincks Buck: Part II By Jamie Brinks I was looking forward to seeing what Crazy 8 would be this year so we started our trail cameras early. To our surprise we had some other nice bucks on camera, but nothing that I was positive was Crazy 8. There was another 10 point that had […]
Navigating Big Ice
Navigating Big Ice By Rod Woten Why does it always seem that the bigger a body of water you want to fish, the harder the fish are to find? If you think about it from a statistical standpoint, the bigger lakes have more water you have to sort through in order to find fish, which […]
Whitetails 365: Buying Recreational Land, Part I
Whitetails 365: Buying Recreational Land, Part I By Tom Peplinski Owning your own recreational land to use and manage can be one of if not the most rewarding experiences you could ever have. For me, managing my own farm is almost more rewarding than the actual hunt itself. It extends the season outside the traditional […]
Different Strokes for All Folks
Different Strokes for All Folks By Rod Woten I am a huge proponent of tournament ice angling. Much like any other competitive sport, tournament ice anglers are constantly looking for an advantage over their competition. This relentless drive often leads to innovative new products, outside-the-box-patterns and torture-testing of longstanding equipment and patterns. Tournament ice angling […]
Give’em What They Want How They Want It
Give’em What They Want How They Want It By Bob Jensen Whether you’re after fish in open water or through the ice, your lure presentation is one of the most important considerations for success. Since ice-fishing season is fast approaching in many areas, now is a good time to think about lure presentation as it […]
The Unbalanced Life of a Successful Hunter
The Unbalanced Life of a Successful Hunter By Earl Taylor Successful hunters are not balanced. Most often, their lives are out of kilter from October through January 1. The family suffers. Football goes unwatched. The leaves pile up. Successful hunters hunt. I have many friends who hunt. I would consider them casual hunters. If the […]