5 Tips for The Rut: They’ll Only Cost You a Buck
Hunting an Iowa typical giant, a 145 inch 300+ pound 7-year-old with a 6 inch drop tine, a 155-inch non-typical ghost buck, a 160 inch typical eight point, and a buck that I never laid eyes on, or maybe he was never there? Each of these deer have a special place in my nightmares. You […]
READ MOREHunting Pressured Bucks
It’s early November and a cold front is coming through. The wind is absolutely perfect for you to hunt a stand that you have been daydreaming about all year. The barometric pressure is rising and the moon guide is showing favorable hunting conditions. You have done your scouting and have studied maps to find the […]
READ MOREPublic Land Success: Tips to Bagging a Mature Buck on Iowa’s Public Hunting Land
Public Land Success: Tips to Bagging a Mature Buck on Iowa’s Public Hunting Land I’m proud to be an Iowa hunter! In fact, I’m a fourth generation Iowa hunter. Most of my hunting skills have been sharpened by the hours I’ve spent on the acres of public land that are offered to Iowa residents and […]
READ MOREHarvesting Does
As October 1st, 2019 looms on the horizon, hunters across the state are preparing for opening day of the whitetail deer hunting season. Licenses and tags along with extra doe tags, where they are available, will be purchased. State goals for the Iowa deer herd have been to reduce the deer population to numbers matching […]
READ MOREPurchasing a Waterfowl Gun
Even if I have been to the sporting goods store twice in a given week, I cannot leave without a visit to the gun counter. I have shouldered and looked at virtually every shotgun they have in stock, but for some reason I feel compelled to do it again, and again. On one hand I […]
READ MOREThe Changing of Scenery: Where to Place Your Stand at Different Times of The Season
Let’s face it, archery hunting for whitetails isn’t always easy, in fact most of the time it’s the exact opposite. I mean, sure, sometimes you have great luck and you’re in the right place at the right time. But, those situations are few and far between. (At least for me!) And that’s what keeps me […]
READ MOREBeing a Soldier Made Me a Better Sportsman
I Started hunting with my father when I was 9 years old. That Ithaca Model 37 was longer than I was and my heavy insulated rubber boots made walking through the fields and woods quite difficult. Hard as it was I loved every minute of it. Whether it was hunting deer or squirrel in the […]
READ MOREWeather the Storm: Understanding Weather Patterns and Know They Impact Waterfowl Hunting
Most recreational hobbies revolve around nice weather. We love to go boating on a warm, sunny summer day. Even a skier loves a clear and sunny winter day after a nice powder snowfall. What makes us different as waterfowl hunters is that we live for the gloomy, misty and cold-front conditions with overcast skies and […]
READ MOREAttracting More Bucks During The Rut
With all of the political nonsense clogging our airwaves, it is about time that we turn our attention to the more important epidemic that will soon be consuming sportsmen across the country: HUNTING SEASON!. We may not be able to control the mainstream media, but the photo stream from our trail camera this time of […]
READ MOREDon’t Be….That Guy
Throughout my life, I have stumbled across individuals who cause the rolling of my eyes. I’m sure, with a few reflective moments, you have experienced the same. This being brought to surface, we are going to take a look at the cause of such eye juggling, as it applies to hunting or fishing camps. For […]