
Late Season Goose Hunting

Late Season Goose Hunting Two Tricks for Late Season Long Necks By Nick Johnson I’ve never been overly fond of hot weather. In fact, anything over 80 degrees to me renders some level of discomfort unless I am in the water. My wife completely disagrees with this logic so that’s why we live in Iowa […]


Common Errors Made by Pheasant Hunters

Common Errors Made by Pheasant Hunters By Kent Boucher One of my favorite experiences is the sudden machine gun-like cadence of an eruption of flapping wings, accompanied by the appearance of a long streamer of tail feathers and the beautiful cola colored outline of a rooster pheasant. In the age of digital media overstimulation it’s […]


Henned-Up Tom Playbook

Henned-Up Tom Playbook By Ryan Becker A henned up tom is a nightmare that we as turkey hunters will ultimately face many times over in our turkey hunting career. For those that haven’t heard the term “henned-up”, it basically describes a situation where a tom has found a hen or group of hens and is […]


It’s the Rut, Now What

It’s the Rut, Now What By Noel Gandy Every November there seems to be an epidemic of folks who call in sick to work. Their affliction: Buck Fever! Men and women across our state have their eyes set on a trophy whitetail and this is one of the occasions to capitalize. November marks the prominent […]


Iowa’s 5 Hardest Waterfowl to Decoy

Iowa’s 5 Hardest Waterfowl to Decoy By Nick Johnson In my 20 years hunting waterfowl in Iowa I have experienced the whole gamut of failure to success in a wide range of hunting scenarios. Sometimes it seems as though you have to fight the birds off your spread but those times are rare, at least […]


Three Tips for a Successful Muzzleloader Season

Three Tips for a Successful Muzzleloader Season By Jessica Graham One of the most exciting times to harvest a deer is in the snow, during the late muzzleloader season. It’s during this time that I eagerly grab my muzzleloader and go on a mission to harvest does. These does, will be transformed into a batch […]


Tips for Party Hunting Iowa’s Gun Seasons

Tips for Party Hunting Iowa’s Gun Seasons By Aaron McKinney The Buzz, of Iowa’s gun hunting season is something else. It’s that time of year when hunters gear up, eager to finally get their hands on their shotguns, muzzleloaders and rifles. It’s more than just a hunt; it’s a tradition. A chance to hang out […]


Waterfowl Strategies – Hunting Pressured Ducks

Waterfowl Strategies – Hunting Pressured Ducks By Nick Johnson Those that spend much time hunting waterfowl in Iowa know that pressure can be a very tough thing to deal with, especially when it comes to hunting public ground. I suppose many places around the U.S. you could say the same. This is especially true when […]


Snow Pheasant Pursuits

Snow Pheasant Pursuits By Kent Boucher As I write this, my legs are burning from a fresh sunburn I received while mowing my acreage for several hours yesterday, and the thought of wading through January’s knee deep snow drifts seems almost therapeutic. When December gets here though, my sunburn will be long gone and my […]


A Flight of Passage!

A Flight of Passage! By Jacob Vanderberg It starts with a change. That first real bite of cold in early fall when the leaves have barely started to turn and daylight periods grow shorter. It isn’t a rapid change, but more of a coaxing that sends those first early migrants on their southward journey. Waterfowlers […]