
Late Season Whitetail Tactics

Late Season Whitetail Tactics By Charlie Lueth Being Prepared It’s never too early in the year to get your gun out of its case and practice. Try some different bullet and powder combinations. You may find that your gun likes a different bullet than your buddies. Ultimately, your gun should make the decision for you […]


Preparing for the Late Season Duck Migration

Preparing for the Late Season Duck Migration By Steve Weisman As we move into late October and early November, diehard waterfowlers are chomping at the bit to get into the fall migration. According to Orrin Jones Waterfowl Research Biologist for the Iowa DNR, the potential is there for a great waterfowl migration. “The count for […]


Techniques, Equipment, and Essential Ingredients for Deer Processing

Techniques, Equipment, and Essential Ingredients for Deer Processing By Jessica Graham It was my first sit of the year with my bow, and I was fortunate enough to be sitting about 14 yards away from my dad in a single adder stand. As expected, the movement was slow, and only started an hour and a […]


Whitetails 365: Bagging Late Season Bucks

Whitetails 365: Bagging Late Season Bucks By Aaron McKinney Late muzzleloader season presents a prime opportunity for hunters to pursue mature bucks. With the chaotic energy of the rut simmering down, you will see several mature bucks gradually revert to their regular patterns, meandering back to their core habitats. This transition period offers a strategic […]


Coyote Hunting a Conservationist’s Duty

Coyote Hunting a Conservationist’s Duty By Jacob Smith I started tagging along with my dad hunting when I was a little kid. I vividly remember when I started getting into coyote hunting. It was something I could do with my dad during the summer nights, and when I was waiting for deer season to approach. […]


Hunting Quail in the Snow

Hunting Quail in the Snow By Troy Hoepker Not far from where Southern Iowa’s rolling hills turn into Northern Missouri’s rolling hills, lies my little slice of quail hunting heaven. A sentimental sense of nostalgia hits me walking in the same footsteps of my grandfather and great-grandfather, shotgun in hand, on the farm that our […]


Bobcat Hunting Tips and Tricks

Bobcat Hunting Tips and Tricks By Troy Hoepker The lead bobcat could be in our laps in a matter of seconds if she thought something looked edible. If she chose to attack, there was a chance the larger, more powerful male 10 steps behind her might just pile in on the attack as well. Crouched […]


Tips for Success: Wood Ducks

Tips for Success: Wood Ducks By Ryan Eder Some may disagree with me, but a Drake Wood Duck is one of the prettiest birds on the planet in my opinion. Aside from being one of the best tasting ducks due to their acorn and berry (they do eat other things as well) diet; their feathers […]



When the Waterfowl Disappear

When the Waterfowl Disappear By Nick Johnson Iowa just seems to be in that perfect position on the continent that hardly lends itself to be a waterfowl hunting destination state. Maybe imperfect is the better word and many local hunters will refer to it as “The Fly Over State”. Okay, this might be a little […]


So You Think Your Tough Enough?

So You Think You’re Tough Enough? By Ryan Graden I had an unusual year in the fall of 2010. Typically, I would be able to hunt bow season, shotgun season, and late muzzleloader season for whitetails using a combination of my regular hunting licenses and tenant’s licenses. However, that year my schedule would only allow […]