
The Basics of Trapping

The Basics of Trapping By Mike Sells With the recent rise in the price for raw fur, many of you may be considering starting a trap line. It is an excellent way to keep active in the outdoors and generate some extra income.  In this article I will explain the basic skills required to catch […]


The History of the Fur Trade in Iowa: Part Two

The History of the Fur Trade in Iowa: Part Two By Troy Hoepker Last month we chronicled the early beginnings of the first fur traders to enter Iowa lands in the late 1600’s and the development of the fur trade from then until after the Revolutionary War. In this month’s edition we move forward from […]


2021-22 Fur Market Report

2021-22 Fur Market Report By Troy Hoepker As my pickup rolled to a stop I detected movement a quarter-mile away near the creek crossing in my pasture. A quick glance through the binoculars confirmed a fox desperately engaged in a tug-of-war with the chain attached to the trap gripping his leg at one of my […]


A Flat Fur Market and the Reasons Why

A few tiny strands of hair that I had collected off the wire spun between my forefinger and thumb as my eyes strained looking for clues as to what once held them. Yep, it was beaver fur and the flattened, condensed circle of snare loop at my feet was proof that I had almost caught […]