food plots

Whitetails 365: Can You Plant Too Much Food?
Whitetails 365: Can You Plant Too Much Food? By Tom Peplinski For as long as I can remember, at least the past 20 seasons, I try to make an honest assessment of how my whitetail season went after it’s over each year. The assessment is made in overall terms of how good my chances were […]
Spring Food Plotting Q & A
Spring Food Plotting Q & A By Tom Peplinski By April of each year, if you haven’t already, you should be planning for the year’s food plots. The number one question I get each and every year is always centered on WHAT to plant? There are probably hundreds of specific scenarios that can play out […]
Whitetails 365: Spring Plots on a Budget
Whitetails 365: Spring Plots on a Budget By Tom Peplinski In March, I wrote about how I use greens and grains to cover all my bases when putting in food plots. Soybeans have long been a staple for me because they are easy to grow and can be a great late season attraction. Then I […]
Hunting The Rut Scenarios
Hunting The Rut Scenarios By Ricky Kinder Lockdown Scenario It is November 16th and the past few days of hunting have been slow as far as mature and adolescent buck movement goes. Nevertheless it is still the rut and you are not going to let any moment to hunt pass you by. As you get […]
Whitetails 365: Why Grain Food Plots
Whitetails 365: Why Grain Food Plots By Tom Peplinski Each winter, I go over what worked and what didn’t during last year’s deer season. The self-assessment is really taking place during the entire season. Did my access points to the properties I hunt offer me concealment? Were my setups close enough for archery hunting? Do […]
Small Tracts Can Yield Big Racks
Small Tracts Can Yield Big Racks By Kevin Sturm Small farm owners are faced with a constant juggling act of income vs. habitat. In most cases, there has to be a happy medium of both to make a small farm work, not only from the checkbook stand point but also by what is hanging on […]
Early Season Whitetail Scenarios: What Would You Do?
Early Season Whitetail Scenarios: What Would You Do? Situation #1: The Curveball – A group of bucks changes their trail routine just as the season opens. Early season scouting has shown a group of three bucks that bed on a hillside above a clover food plot. Every evening, like clockwork they filter down through a […]
Figuring Out Food Plots For Whitetails! – Podcast
Your Guide to Herbicides
Your Guide to Herbicides By Tom Peplinksi I spend a lot of time and money getting things to grow on my farm. Between food plots, apple trees, evergreens, and timber regrowth I’m always trying to get the varieties of plants I want…in the right places, and growing without competition from other plants. When growing food […]
The Concept Of Hunt Plots
The Concept of Hunt Plots Several years ago I stumbled across an article in a hunting and fishing magazine that was talking about “Hunt Plots”. I immediately asked myself what the heck was a hunt plot? So I read the article and deemed it useful and from that moment on I have been implementing hunt […]