
‘Tween Topics

So, here we are.  You’ve made it through your first summer of serious research and development concerning your progress in the art of angling and now, instead of getting better, things seem to be getting worse as results go and the days are getting shorter. Don’t feel like the lonesome stranger.  When it comes to ‘strange’ nothing quite […]


Fishing Myth Busters

No matter how often you fish, or don’t fish there are many people that have certain beliefs about fishing.  What makes fishing better…what you can’t do when you fish.  There are many myths about fishing that the common public say and truly believe in.  Perhaps Grandpa said these things about fishing, or the guide you […]


Fishing Paradigms

“They’re not biting.” If, during the course of this season, you’ve taken up my challenge and made serious attempts to get out and take advantage of what you’ve learned here, chances are great that you, or someone else has uttered these words. In the business world a paradigm is an obvious, or not quite so […]


Hot Weather Whiskers

By Nick Johnson In my early cattin’ days I struggled like any beginner trying to succeed. Summer, hot weather catfish would sometimes find their way to my hook but the bites were few and the bigger fish substantially fewer. I found myself pursuing the same tired out presentations and locations with nothing to show. One […]



Fall Flatheads: Coming Out of the Woodwork

By Nick Johnson The fall cool water period is argued by many hard core cat anglers as the best time of year to catch numbers of big flatheads. Daily movements increase and a virtual feeding binge takes place in the flathead community. Simply put, any cat angler looking to catch a plus sized mudcat should […]


Spawn – Post Spawn Crappie

BY BEN LEAL For Iowan’s all across the State, crappie fishing means that old man winter has finally released his grip for the year and the weather has become seasonably warmer. Days have become increasingly longer, sun warms the soil and the water and nature in general is coming out of a long winters slumber. […]



Hot Weather Whiskers

By: Nick Johnson In my early cattin’ days I struggled like any beginner trying to succeed. Summer, hot weather catfish would sometimes find their way to my hook but the bites were few and the bigger fish substantially fewer. I found myself pursuing the same tired out presentations and locations with nothing to show. One […]



The Spawn Of Catfish

If there is one time of the catfishing season that delivers the most complaints, the most negative attitude and the most arguments about how to catch a channel catfish, it is the spawn and the post spawn. These times happen every year whether we like it or not and there are a few ways to […]


Spring Time Channel Cats

By Brad Durick As spring fever begins to subside, rivers and lakes begin to warm. The northern rivers and lakes begin to open up after a long winter of being sealed up from the world by ice.  In the Midwest, The world of the channel catfish begins to take hold for another year and come […]