
A Day in the Life of a Northeast Iowa Trout
A Day in the Life of a Northeast Iowa Trout By Rod Woten Trout are absolutely fascinating to me. Whether it’s their ability to live in the smallest streams or the largest lakes, their sheer strength and survivability, their ability to see and intercept even the smallest aquatic insects rushing by in the current or […]
Crankbaiting For Eyes
Crankbaiting For Eyes By Steve Weisman One of the buzz phrases in walleye fishing in recent years has been about pulling crankbaits. It sounds so easy. Just grab your favorite colored crankbait, tie it on your favorite rod and reel, let out some line and take off at the speed you think will work. Oh, […]
Summer Fishing Strategy – Podcast
Iowa Sportsman Fishing Trip: Lake Rathbun
Iowa Sportsman Fishing Trip: Lake Rathbun By Clayton Will However you say it; Rathbun Lake or Lake Rathbun, it’s a must see Iowa Family Fishing Trip Destination. At 11,000 acres Lake Rathbun is easily Iowa’s largest body of water not called a river or stream. Nestled in Appanoose County Lake Rathbun is a popular spot […]
5 Go To Plastics That Work
5 Go To Plastics That Work By Ben Leal Last month Todd Reed discussed some killer soft baits used for bass. I wanted to expand on his useful info and talk about five soft baits that I like to use for a variety of fish and go into depth on each one of those plastics. […]
Ways to Catch Summer Catfish on the River
Ways to Catch Summer Catfish on the River By Brad Durick Catching catfish on the surface looks pretty easy and it is. One of the beautiful things about catfishing in the 21st century is it can be as simple or as difficult as you want it to be. Ways to catch catfish are many. In […]
5 Go To Softbaits For Bass
5 Go To Softbaits For Bass By Todd Reed The world of bass fishing is one that is hard to keep up with at times. Lure companies and professional fishermen are always coming up with something new to trick bass into biting. By far, soft baits, or plastics outnumber all other types of baits that […]
Iowa’s Trinity of Trout
Iowa’s Trinity of Trout By Rod Woten It’s often said that good things come in threes. Whoever established that had to have trout fished in Iowa’s trout country because that number certainly has some significance when we’re talking about Iowa trout. One of the most obvious trinities is the three species of trout; brook trout, […]
A Professor of Trout
A Professor of Trout Eric L. Kilburg By late January the accumulation of snow on the park road at Backbone State Park was, without a doubt, impassible by car, even for a couple adventurous college boys (i.e. the road gate was locked closed). Temperatures in past days depressed our hopes of finding a pool yet […]
Fall Wipers And White Bass
Fall Wipers And White Bass By Johnnie Crain Make no mistake; fall fishing for wipers and white bass on lakes can be great fun. The action is fast and furious, exciting, hard work and these true members of the bass family fight like carp on steroids! Wipers are actually a hybrid cross between a white […]