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Fish Hideouts During The Summer

Fish Hideouts During The Summer By Todd Reed Summer time is the season of many opportunities. There are countless activities going on around each and every community, however most outdoors people still make time to go fishing. Those hot summer days are sometimes our only chance to get out and fish, so we have to […]


In Search of Mid-Summer ‘Gills

In Search of Mid-Summer ‘Gills By Steve Weisman As a bluegill fishing fanatic, I love the month of May through mid-June. It’s spawning time, and this time period is a fantastic time to target big bluegills and lots of them. No matter the lake, they are in the shallows on or near their spawning beds. […]


Locating Summer Smallmouth

Locating Summer Smallmouth By Nick Johnson  A sought after fish in Iowa no doubt, the smallmouth bass holds a special place in angler’s hearts where they are found. Often targeted in streams and rivers, many fishermen forget about lakes to get their fix on these feisty bass. Indeed many lakes in Iowa are devoid of […]


Sizzling Summer Smallies

Sizzling Summer Smallies By Todd Reed The hottest days of August can provide an Iowa angler the hottest smallmouth action of the year. Smallmouth bass are sometimes the forgotten bass of Iowa. While some anglers would choose to fish for only smallmouth bass for the rest of their lives, me included, most anglers catch the […]


Retrieving Freedom… Giving Hope to our Veterans!

Retrieving Freedom… Giving Hope to our Veterans! Courtesy of Scott Dewey Returning from a deployment in a combat zone should feel like a win, yet the limitations of a physical disability or post-traumatic stress can cause anything but a celebration. It can be a difficult struggle for many returning veterans to reintegrate back into the […]


Those Lazy-Hazy-Crazy Days of Summer

Those Lazy-Hazy-Crazy Days of Summer By Steve Weisman The year was 1963, and I was 15 years old, a teenager who loved to play baseball and go to semi-pro baseball games and just kick back on a mid-summer’s evening. A big hit song of 1963 was Nat King Cole’s “Those Lazy-Hazy-Crazy Days of Summer, and […]


Trolling for Walleyes over the Weeds

Trolling for Walleyes over the Weeds By Steve Weisman Last August, I had the chance to listen to Jon Thelen, walleye guide and host of Lindy’s Fish Ed Television Series, give a fishing seminar at the Okoboji Blue Water Festival. His topic was “Walleyes in the Weeds,” and I was excited to hear what his […]


Time for Big Gills

Time for Big Gills By Steve Weisman If you are a kid at heart like I am, now is the time to get after those big bluegills on Iowa’s lakes. It starts a little earlier in the south because the water warms sooner, but it always happens this time of year. About the last week […]


Summertime, Shad and Square Bills

Summertime, Shad and Square Bills By Steve Bellrichard I decided to fish my way through 2020, the year of social isolation, and experienced the most epic day of largemouth bass fishing of my life. I have no idea how many bass I caught the morning of August 7th, but I fished one spot for an […]