
Early Spring Fishing – Crappie

Early Spring Fishing – Crappie By Ben Leal Crappie… animals that forage for discrete, isolated resources are often characterized as either “ambush” (sit-and-wait) or “cruise” (active) searchers. Juvenile white crappie, Pomix annularis, search for zooplankton prey using a salutatory search (SS) strategy. Unlike ambush and cruise, SS involves… Had all you readers going there for […]


Supercharged Shore Fishing

Supercharged Shore Fishing By Kent Boucher I imagine your first fishing experience was similar to my own. You most likely were equipped with a button cast reel already spooled with cheap, monofilament line that was better suited for hog tying your tackle box or twisting itself into an impossible knot than it was for helping […]


Catfishing Always Presents Challenges: You Can Be Prepared

Catfishing Always Presents Challenges: You Can Be Prepared By Brad Durick It seems if you catfish it is inevitable that something will happen that can turn your day upside down. Most of this is out of your control. If you fish enough you know how this can go all too well. You know that little […]


Spring Ritual: Spawning Crappies

Spring Ritual: Spawning Crappies By Rod Woten Spring is finally in the air! Ice has finally decided to release its grip on our lakes, the sun is starting to feel warmer, and the days are getting longer. Surely gobbling turkeys and popping morels can’t be too far behind? Ever since becoming a fly fishing guide, […]


Hardwater To Open Water

Hardwater To Open Water By Ben Leal As March approaches there are quite a few anglers that start looking at their boats, rods and reels, thinking about the open water season. February is the time of year when in Iowa, most of the outdoor sports and recreation shows are taking place giving reason for thoughts […]


A Trip Down Memory Lane

A Trip Down Memory Lane By Steve Weisman In late September, my wife and I traveled to her hometown of Redfield, SD for her 50th year class reunion. The kids of ’69 were now in their late 60s, and as a friend of mine and I watched the Redfield homecoming parade, we cheered as the […]


Introduce Someone New To Fishing

Introduce Someone New To Fishing By Ben Leal Most of us probably have someone in our lives that took the time to introduce us to fishing. It may have been a grandparent, your Dad or your Mom, or even just a friend that invited you out one day. So the seed was planted, and you’re […]


High School Bass Fishing

High School Bass Fishing By Todd Reed Over the past five years there is a growing trend in schools and teenagers across Iowa. No, it isn’t the latest app on a phone or a brand new gaming device, it is bass fishing! While bass fishing at the high school level isn’t anything brand new, the […]


Walleye Fishing

Walleye Fishing By Ben Leal Ask any freshwater angler what is a sought-after fish for table fare, and you’ll get a resounding response, “walleye.” Sure, crappie and bluegill will come up in that conversation as well, but walleye, by far, will always be on that list. The common name, “walleye,” comes from the fact that […]


The Good and Bad Yellow Bass

The Good and Bad Yellow Bass By Todd Reed What: Yellow Bass are an invasive species in some lakes around Iowa.  They are not meant for lakes but have found their way into some, and typically means the lake will not survive.  Yellow Bass are in the same family as the white bass and striped […]