
Big Ice Panfish

Big Ice Panfish By Rod Woten Finding quality panfish in any larger body of water can be a daunting task. In the winter it becomes even more challenging because the sheet of ice covering the lake prohibits you from freely casting wherever you choose in order to cover water and forces you to drill a […]


New Year’s Resolutions for Sportsman

New Year’s Resolutions for Sportsman By Ben Leal New Year’s Eve…2022… we’ll be up late and watch the ball drop in New York City signifying the sunset of the year and the dawn of a new one. Like every year that has come and gone, folks from all walks of life resolve to make a […]


Targeting Northern Pike

Targeting Northern Pike By Steve Weisman It seems like we ice fishing enthusiasts all have our favorite species of fish that we target. From panfish to walleyes to northern pike…all can be readily caught in Iowa’s waters. One of the more prolific gamefish that is often overlooked is the northern pike. Yet, no matter what […]


2 Do-It-Yourself Taxidermy Projects to Display Your Trophy

2 Do-It-Yourself Taxidermy Projects to Display Your Trophy By Jessica Graham When it comes to preserving the memory of time out in the timber we often turn to taxidermy to help us preserve the animal as well as the memory. I love walking into a shop or business and looking at different mounts on the […]


Pond Structure Improvement

Pond Structure Improvement By Ben Leal There is no doubt that many of Iowa’s anglers began their fishing endeavors on one of the 110,000 ponds scattered throughout the State. This is true for me too, Grandpa would introduce grandchildren to pond fishing, usually with a spiderman or barbie fishing pole. A small hook with a […]


Early Walleyes

Early Walleyes By Ben Leal As winter hangs on here in Iowa, anglers begin to think about what lies ahead for open-water fishing. While many of Iowa’s lakes are still covered in ice, I would consider most of those thoughts wishful thinking for now. However, a few sports shows occur in February, and those feed […]


It is Never to Late to Start Ice Fishing

It is Never to Late to Start Ice Fishing By Todd Reed I have been ice fishing since junior high school, or let’s just say, a long time ago.  I can still remember that first time stepping onto the river backwater, it was an eerie feeling, but the feeling of anticipation and excitement soon overtook […]


What it is like to be a Tournament Bass Angler

What it is like to be a Tournament Bass Angler By Todd Reed Bass tournaments are the ultimate fishing thrill.  The feeling that you get at 5am as you hop in your boat and face your competitors for the day is like no other.  I have been fishing tournaments for twenty-five years and there is […]


Reasons why you Should Still be Fishing

Reasons why you Should Still be Fishing By Todd Reed The fall months in Iowa are very special for those that love the outdoors.  Hunting seasons have begun and more will soon open for different species. However, as an Iowa Sportsman I turn to the water just as much or more during these late season […]


Iowa’s State Record Fish: Part III

Iowa’s State Record Fish: Part III By Ben Leal This month’s entry into our recent look at Iowa’s State record fish will focus on just a couple more of our favorite species. We’ve taken a pretty good look at a wide variety of sports fish, all of which are well deserved to be in the […]