Field Hunting

Fourth Quarter Honkers

Fourth Quarter Honkers By Ryan Eder Whether we are talking sports or hunting, there is something about that buzzer beater shot or fourth quarter comeback that makes things exciting. Late season goose hunting has the same appeal, as it is typically the latest season open for waterfowl hunting and it is our last weeks of […]


Keeping Opening Day Simple

Keeping Opening Day Simple By Ryan Eder Avery Outdoors, Southfork Retrievers You’ve heard the KISS model (“Keep it simple, stupid”) before right? It applies to many things, why not opening day? We await opening day with an intense feeling of anticipation and excitement, but sometimes we let it get the best of us with unnecessary […]


Field Hunting Mallards

Field Hunting Mallards By Nick Johnson As I looked through my binoculars, I couldn’t help feeling like an artillery battery waiting for the next wave of fighters. Checking the horizon for that distinct line in the sky. As I squinted harder I saw them! The first small wave followed by a much larger more intimidating […]


Waterfowl Lingo

Have you ever walked outside and listened to the Snow Geese or Canada’s and wonder what on earth they could be screaming about? Or how about a group of mallards working a marsh and all you can hear is chuckling or that lone hen screaming out a cadence. What about the whistle of Woodies screaming […]