
There is No Need To Decoy, Rattle, or Lure in Bucks During The Rut
There is No Need To Decoy, Rattle, or Lure in Bucks During The Rut By Patrick McKinney Tips on Shooting a Buck Without all the Extra Gear I have rattled in bucks during the rut, I have decoyed bucks during the rut, and I have used scents and lures to bring bucks in close during […]
Tips for Success: Wood Ducks
Tips for Success: Wood Ducks By Ryan Eder Some may disagree with me, but a Drake Wood Duck is one of the prettiest birds on the planet in my opinion. Aside from being one of the best tasting ducks due to their acorn and berry (they do eat other things as well) diet; their feathers […]
When the Waterfowl Disappear
When the Waterfowl Disappear By Nick Johnson Iowa just seems to be in that perfect position on the continent that hardly lends itself to be a waterfowl hunting destination state. Maybe imperfect is the better word and many local hunters will refer to it as “The Fly Over State”. Okay, this might be a little […]
The Essential Tools of a Turkey Hunter
The Essential Tools of a Turkey Hunter By Nick Johnson Gear is something that we as hunters pay a great deal of attention to. Most of us who hunt own a fair assortment of “stuff”; the essential tools that drive our success and empty our wallets. Some of it is a complete necessity, some a […]
Iowa Waterfowl Hotspots and Conditions
Iowa Waterfowl Hotspots and Conditions By Brodie Wubben Owner, Fowlwater Outdoors I have waterfowl hunted in northern and central Iowa my entire life chasing waterfowl and would like to share some of my experiences and tactics that helped but more birds in my frying pan over the years. North Central Iowa North Central Iowa (specifically […]
River Honkers
River Honkers By Nick Johnson Have you hung up your waders and retired the decoys for the season? I hope not! There is still season left and now is the time to be out hunting when most others have called it a year. Lakes, ponds and smaller streams are largely frozen and the remaining geese […]
Outdoors Unlimited Inventory Reduction Auction
Kiss: Opening Day
Kiss: Opening Day By Ryan Eder You’ve heard the KISS model (“Keep it simple, stupid”) before right? It applies to many things, why not opening day? We await opening day with an intense feeling of anticipation and excitement, but sometimes we let it get the best of us with unnecessary overkill on what gear we […]
Decoying Waterfowl – Costly Mistakes
Decoying Waterfowl – Costly Mistakes By Nick Johnson Waterfowl hunting as a whole is a pretty straightforward concept. It is the different variables that factor in given the time of season that make it challenging and rewarding, maybe even frustrating. The variables that we cannot control such as weather, migration patterns, hunting pressure and even […]
Targeting Wood Ducks
Targeting Wood Ducks By Nick Johnson Wood ducks are hands down my favorite duck species. Their curious behavior, the habitats they like to frequent, the male’s striking plumage, not to mention their meat is better than a lot of duck species in my mind. All of these things combined and more are what put wood […]