cold weather

Cold Shot: Are you a fair weather shooter?
Cold Shot: Are you a fair weather shooter? By Steve Hensyel – Hawkeye Firearms Instruction Practice and training for all types of scenarios and situations is a routine many permit holders and gun owners prepare for, but is shooting in cold weather one that you also prepare for? My Dad used to say there are […]
Short Line vs Long Line Trapping
Short Line vs Long Line Trapping By J.D. Rogge When i was growing up in the late 70’s and early 80’s during a time of high fur prices known as the “Fur Boom,” it seemed that everyone was a trapper, with varying levels of participation. Coons were worth $20-$30, mink would bring you $40, and […]
Setting Yourself up for Trapline Success
Setting Yourself up for Trapline Success By JD Rogge One factor most successful trappers have in common is their dedication to pre-season preparation and scouting. Pre-season prep can be the difference between meeting your season’s goals and falling woefully short of your expectations. I’ve known many trappers who prior to season claim to be ready […]
Cold Weather Raccoon Trapping
Cold Weather Raccoon Trapping By Chris Pohl Trapping in the late part of the season most generally means much colder temperatures along with frozen ground and lots of ice for most of Iowa. A lot of folks choose to pull their trap lines and pursue other interests when the weather takes a down turn, but […]
Colder Weather Coon Trapping
By Joshua Jones Picture this scenario as a trapper: It is Friday night before the opening day of the trapping season in Iowa and you are loading the truck with all equipment you may need for the next day. Hammers, trowels, wire, bait, gloves, etc. Everything that is on your list and checking it twice […]