
Bowfishing Opportunities in Iowa
Bowfishing Opportunities in Iowa By Nick Johnson Bowfishing has always held a special place in my heart. In fact, bowfishing is the only form of archery that I have ever done outside of some casual target practice with a longbow. I first started when I was about 14 years old. My dad had an old […]
A Day of Giants Bowfishing Adventure
A Day of Giants Bowfishing Adventure By Nick Johnson It was a day with an outcome that wasn’t planned. Myself and my good friend Eric Katzenmeyer were set up to fish for bass in Cedar Lake just west of the twin cities. Eric lives in the area and we thought it would be fun to […]
Fly Fishing for Stream Carp: Iowa’s Bonefish
By: Nick Johnson Arguably the hardest fight I have ever experienced on a fly rod did not come from a 4lb smallmouth bass, or a 20″ cutthroat trout, or even a pike, all of which I have landed on fly gear. No, the hardest fight came from an average sized common carp a few miles […]