
Horizontal Misses: The Bane Of An Archer!
Are you one of many archers that can shoot 20 arrows at 20 yards and have all of them in the bull’s-eye, only to back up to farther distances and find your shots going awry either left or right? Join the club you are not alone! One of the most frustrating things in the world […]
Back to the Basics: New Gear Gives You No Guarantees
It seems like only yesterday my father and I were making a trip to Cabela’s in Owatonna, Minnesota to check out hunting gear. I was twelve or thirteen and had been planning my first deer hunt for a while through hours of watching and learning everything I could from the hunting channels we had on […]
Compound Bow 101: What are the parts of your bow?
By: Nick Jedlicka Okay, count me as one of the guilty! I was not always totally up to speed on what the various parts and functions of my compound bow were. Maybe this was not such a big deal. For a beginner, it may not be essential to know every tidbit of info – but […]