
Inner Workings Of The Manchester Fish Hatchery – Podcast

Welcome to another episode of The Iowa Sportsman Podcast! On this episode, Dan is joined by Dan Rosauer, a Biologist for the Iowa DNR, to talk about the Manchester Fish Hatchery.

The guys get into history of the hatchery, how it started, operates, and how fish are distributed.  If you are interested in the process of how a fish goes from hatched to being stocked into Iowa waters this is a must listen to episode!

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Try Something New: Fishing From a Kayak – Podcast

Welcome to another episode of The Iowa Sportsman Podcast, on this episode Dan sits down with kayak angler Spencer Bauer to talk about fishing from kayaks. Kayak fishing is actually one of the fasting growing segments of the fishing industry! The guys discuss how Spencer got into the sport and how he instantly fell in love with it. The discussion then leads into the nuts and bolts of fishing from a kayak as Spencer goes over the different varieties of kayaks, gear needed, and what you should look for when fishing the rivers and lakes of Iowa.

The podcast wraps up with information on fishing strategy and how to go about being a successful kayak angler.

If you want to try something new and exciting this kayak fishing podcast is for you. As always, when around water and navigating a kayak or canoe safety comes first. Make sure you are capable of handling the kayak and that the waters are safe. Lastly, always wear a life jacket!

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Windy Condition Walleyes – Podcast

Welcome back to another episode of The Iowa Sportsman Podcast.  On this episode Dan interviews Ben Leal about catching walleyes in the wind on Iowa lakes and rivers.  The guys dive into where you can expect walleyes to be located and what their habits are during windy conditions and how to present your lure to trigger a bite.

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Iowa Great Lakes Walleye Weekend – Podcast

Welcome to another episode of The Iowa Sportsman Podcast! On this episode Dan is joined by Steve Weisman as they discuss the recent Walleye Weekend held annually in the Iowa Great Lakes region. Steve goes into the history of the event, 37 years and counting, how it was started and evolved to what it is today. The conversation continues with tournament set up, rules, results, and prizes. Fishing isn’t the only thing going on either. Dan and Steve also talk about other activities like camping, hiking, and biking around the lakes. It is a one of a kind event that every angler should experience!

The discussion then takes a turn as Steve shares some recent walleye gill netting results from the Iowa DNR. Gill netting is a vital process to Iowa fisheries. It is used to collect fish, extract eggs from females and fertilize them and once hatched release them into other bodies of water to keep populations thriving. Very interesting stuff!

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