Iowa Sportsman Podcast
Iowa Sportsman Podcast

Check Out Our Current Issue!

Iowa Sportsman April 2025

This Issue Brings You:

  • Thriving Bird Habitats in Iowa
  • Fishing Iowa – Walleye Tackle & Tricks
  • Whitetails 365 – Growing Giant Whitetails
  • Maximizing Native Warm Season Grasses
  • Turkey Seaso – Getting Youth Involved
  • Equipment for Managing Your Own Acreage

Click Here To View This Issue Now!

Navigating Big Ice

Navigating Big Ice By Rod Woten Why does it always seem that the bigger a body of water you want to fish, the harder the fish are to find? If you think about it from a statistical standpoint, the bigger lakes have more water you have to sort through in order to find fish, which […]


Whitetails 365: Buying Recreational Land, Part I

Whitetails 365: Buying Recreational Land, Part I By Tom Peplinski Owning your own recreational land to use and manage can be one of if not the most rewarding experiences you could ever have. For me, managing my own farm is almost more rewarding than the actual hunt itself. It extends the season outside the traditional […]


Ice Fishing Tech: The Rise Of Ice Electronics

Ice Fishing Tech: The Rise Of Ice Electronics By Nick Johnson I remember as a young kid ice fishing with dad, the essential tools for the job consisted of nothing more than a hand auger, a rod where one winds the line around two pegs fixed to the rod handle, an ice scoop, some tiny […]


Different Strokes for All Folks

Different Strokes for All Folks By Rod Woten I am a huge proponent of tournament ice angling. Much like any other competitive sport, tournament ice anglers are constantly looking for an advantage over their competition. This relentless drive often leads to innovative new products, outside-the-box-patterns and torture-testing of longstanding equipment and patterns. Tournament ice angling […]


Featured Story

10 Killer Big Buck Bow Hunting Ambushes

Why do top notch hunters shoot quality mature deer year after year? Sure they scout, don’t shoot young bucks, maintain their land, pay attention to the wind, plant food plots, are in big buck country, ect. Yes all of those and many more reasons can attribute to better chances of shooting bigger bucks consistently. However do you know the most important reason why people shoot big deer year after year? Because they place their stands in locations where big bucks like to frequent…it really is that simple. They are in the right place at the right time. You will never consistently shoot mature deer if you are not putting your tree stands in the proper locations.

Whitetails are creatures of habit and instinct, they do everything for a purpose and that is actually a good thing for us hunters. If we know what they like to do, what they don’t like to do, and how they navigate their day then we can key in on certain geographical locations on our properties and ambush an unsuspecting bruiser.


Created By Iowans, For Iowans

The Iowa Sportsman website and magazine are Iowa’s only privately owned media sources catering to hunters, anglers, and outdoor enthusiasts here in Iowa. Simply put, we are unlike other Iowa outdoor media sources: All our staff is from Iowa, from our publisher to our writers. We actually follow through on what we advertise; we provide knowledgeable content from people who know the industry or sport discussed.