New Products for Bow Season

New Products for Bow Season
By Noel Gandy
You don’t have to look far before you find many message boards and comment sections of popular outdoor brands littered with speeches like, “I’ve killed loads of deer in a red flannel shirt with a cigarette hanging out of my mouth. Why would I need ‘xyz’ product?” Yes, you can definitely get a deer in your sights with minimal gear. However, between technology, innovation, and sheer determination to be the best, there are some products available to deer hunters everywhere that not only increase your chances at the buck of a lifetime, but allow you to do it with efficiency and comfort. While I am not a “gear head” when it comes to all of the latest and greatest things in archery tackle, I do enjoy seasonal upgrades to my equipment. Many companies are making wonderful products these days and they should not be overlooked!)
In the bow category I am fired up for the Bowtech Carbon One. The first thing you notice is simply how cool the bow actually looks. It has a solid look about it while not looking bulky. When it’s in the hand, you feel a warmth to the carbon. I’m excited for this during those cold November days when fingers can get chilly. Next, I’m thrilled about the fact that the DeadLok Cam system allows you to make tuning adjustments on the fly. That, along with two settings (comfort and performance) make this a very versatile bow. My preferred length of a bow is 30”. Therefore, this bow is perfect for my personal preference coming in at 4.5 lbs, 6.63” brace height and 30” axle to axle. There are different color options for the Carbon One. This year I’m going with the one they call OD Green. Let me tell you, it’s sharp!
Arrows & Wraps
Let’s talk arrows! My preferred arrow is the Bloodsport Justice. This is a small diameter arrow coming in at .204”. I’ve been shooting small diameter arrows for many years now and prefer them for their precise, deep hits. The arrow is wrapped with a nifty feature called Blood Ring technology. This is essentially a white strip down the arrow that allows you to see what type of penetration and what color the blood is that is left behind on the arrow. I have found this to be an invaluable tracking tool!
All of the rage in arrow building for the past couple of years has been a focus on F.O.C. (Front of Center). This weight measuring criteria revolves around the percentage of the arrow’s total weight that resides in the front half of the arrow. You usually achieve a higher F.O.C. using inserts and outserts on the tips of the arrow. One reason that I appreciate the Bloodsport Justice arrow is because the inserts/outserts come as a standard option on their equipment. This gives extra strength to the arrow and creates deeper penetration.
I prefer New Archery Products. If you ask any 10 hunters which are better, mechanical or fixed blade broadheads, you will get 10 different answers and plenty of opinion to back up those answers. Personally, I’ve switched broadheads up four times in four years. I’m not married to any one broadhead. I’ve had great success with the Killzone, Doublecross, and Spitfire which are all mechanical heads. I’ve also done damage with the Hellrazr, a fixed blade. I fully intend to shoot a brand-new option this year: the Backflip 2. New Archery Products has released this head with a one-piece machined titanium ferrule. While in flight, it maintains a 1 1/16” diameter which makes it fairly sleek. Upon impact, it expands to 1 ¾” with stainless-steel blades. I’m a 100-grain man so this will be my setup. I can’t wait to get my hands on a few packs and tear up a target!
Bows, arrows and broadheads are not the only things that I’m looking forward to putting to the test. I’m lost without binoculars. Vortex Optics has recently released a brand-new pair of compact binoculars called the Triumph HD’s. These are a 10×42 magnified set of glass at a VERY reasonable price point. One thing that I immediately notice about the Triumph HD’s is its compact design. This pair of binos checks in at 22.9 oz. making it super comfortable to wear all day. All of my experience with Vortex branded products has been exceptional due superior customer service with their VIP warranty.
Trail Cameras
I’ve spilled a lot of ink over the years for this publication in regard to trail camera use. Whether it’s best practices, tips and tricks, timing, information gathered or whatever else you can dream of, I’ve written about it. One thing I’ve never really discussed is the type of trail camera I prefer. Now is the time. I prefer cellular trail cameras simply for the ease of use and the instant information that can be gathered. For 2023 I am excited Stealth Cam has released a new camera called The Deceptor No-Glo Cellular Trail Camera.
There are two reasons that I am pumped to put this camera into the field this year. One, it offers no-glo LED technology that will allow an invisible detection and flash range out to 80 feet. Gone will be the days of spooking wary bucks with a flash from a trail camera. Another reason I am excited to try out this camera is for the “On Demand” feature. This allows“you to send a command to the camera and capture photos and video of your hunting area in real time with the push of a button,” according to the stealth cam website. I know on two different occasions I spooked my target buck last year by moving through my hunting area while he was around but not in front of a camera. It will be nice to catch a glimpse of a food plot where a deer might not necessarily be in front of my camera, but will likely be visible at a distance. To me, this is a game changer.
The final new feature of this particular camera comes with their Automatic Network Coverage feature. This feature allows the camera to choose the strongest signal amongst its cellular providers to give uninterrupted coverage to the camera.
Deer Scents
Sometimes, scent products get a bad rap. Whether scent attractants or scent eliminators are the topic you better believe everyone will have an opinion. Here’s mine: I’m anxious to use a new release from Tink’s called Peak 30. According to their website, Tinks Pure 30 is, “Pure, Certified and Tested doe urine that is guaranteed to contain 30pg/ml of estrogen. For best results, use during the rut when bucks are seeking a doe in heat to breed.” To Tink’s the number 30pg/ml of estrogen is very significant because they consider that the peak level for a doe to be ready to breed. Will it bring in the big boys from all corners of the timber? I can’t say. However, I believe in using quality scent for establishing stopping points for bucks in shooting lanes. I won’t ever mind spilling a little on the ground. Just be careful not to spill it on your gloves.
Scent Control
Speaking of scent products, Dead Down Wind has come out with a new line of products called Dead Down Wind Black. Admittedly, I’ve not researched a ton into these new products of theirs. However, I am a stickler for odor control. Anything that claims to be better than the last thing will always be something to keep an eye on when it comes to products that you intend to employ in the field. Nothing ever beats playing the wind, though.
I’m planning to deploy tried and true products and strategies as well that have served me over the years. Is a new product always a better product or even a needed product? No. It is fun to try new things. If something gives you a bit of advantage over that buck of a lifetime, then I encourage you to go for it. Everyone has an opinion on what works and what doesn’t. Take time to listen to others, absolutely, but never be afraid to form your own thoughts on matters. I believe everyone is entitled to do things how they want to do them as long as they are within the confines of the law. Enjoy the outdoors, friends.