Jamie Brincks Buck Part III

Jamie Brincks Buck Part III
By Jamie Brinck
The form for Crazy 8 came in and Doug and I couldn’t wait to see how the hide fit. We did some alterations to the form but the size was perfect, FYI we own Brinck’s Taxidermy, he went together like a dream.
Once we were done with the full mount we brought him to the Iowa Deer Classic. The Big Buck Contest! I never thought I would be the one bringing in such a trophy! We wheeled him into the show. He was a work of art. There were so many people enquiring about him as we were watching him get scored. He grossed 193 3/8″. I was bursting with excitement!
I told Doug, “I bet out of all the places to show him off, the guy who shot him in the antler would probably see him at the show.” We set out a few of Brinck’s business cards and set off to enjoy the rest of the show.
The second day of the show, Doug’s phone rang. He was really excited when he hung up the phone. He said you’re not going to believe this! The guy who shot Crazy 8 is at the show. That was his buddy on the line. He told us to go over to their booth Chasing the Rut.
We headed over there to meet the guy named Beau. His friend Hunter is the one who called us after he recognized Crazy 8 in the Big Buck Contest. I was so thrilled to meet him I didn’t think this could get any better. BUT WAIT FOLKS it does get better. Chasing the Rut was selling their DVD’s and at the back of the booth there was a big screen playing little segments of teaser clips of hunts that were on the DVD. The next clip that played made me lose my mind. It was Crazy 8 of course and I bet the other people at the show were a little confused as to why I was so excited about a little video clip. They rewound the clip and I watched the doe sneaking through the thick under brush. The does head and neck were the only things showing as she moved off the screen, Crazy 8 moved in from the other side of the screen and followed the doe. Beau mentioned to me how he was all by himself that day. He had to play the role of the hunter and videographer which is not easy. He was adjusting the camera as Crazy 8 came seven yards from him. He reached up for his bow and Crazy 8 saw the movement in the tree above his head. He looked Beau right in the eyes and took off. I knew the feeling! I knew it many times!
Beau turned the camera on himself, shaking like a leaf. He says how he was moving the camera into position and was reaching for his bow. “He looked me right in the eyes!” He said he didn’t spook him that bad he is out at 50 yards with the doe. Then my favorite part of the video (besides seeing Crazy 8 on the hoof) Beau says “I am going to shoot that deer” and shuts the camera off.
The day after, on November 8th the arrow flew. Hunter met up with Beau to film this time and they set out for Crazy 8. The camera was rolling and Crazy 8 read and followed script.
A doe came through the low spot of the field followed close behind by the Star of the Show. She comes out of the cattails as Crazy 8 hangs behind doing a lip curl.
The doe came out into the field and Crazy 8 lowered his head and plowed through the tall grass and cattails into the open field with the hot doe. He was on her tail as she dipped into the thick tree line out of sight of the camera. They milled around in the tree line for quite some time and what probably seemed like an eternity for the hunters. Then the doe came out and passed by the tree. She was completely unaware of the onlookers.
Then Crazy 8 is at the edge. He was hard to see, but he was making his way towards a shooting lane. He was being very cautious and checking to see if the coast was clear before he made his way out of the cover of the woods to follow his lady.
He finally stepped into the opening. Beau pulled his bow back. You couldn’t see it on the video but you can hear it on the film. The bucks head was turned away when he drew back but he quickly looked up at the tree as the arrow was released from the taught string. The arrow hit a high branch just before the deer. Crazy 8 quickly turned and dropped his head as he spun on the spot to get back into the cover of the woods. It happened so fast. It was hard to see what the arrow hit but you could hear it hit something hard. That video sure put it into perspective for me. I was really close to not getting the deer I chased for 3 years. I was so blessed to have so many opportunities with that deer. I learned so much and I hate to say it but I am thankful that Beau hit that twig. (Sorry Beau)
I am so blessed to have had such a great hunt and even a better story to tell!
The End!