How to Stay Safe and Prepared for Any Disaster

How to Stay Safe and Prepared for Any Disaster

By Jessica Graham

Iowa is known for its beautiful landscapes, vast farmlands, and friendly people. But, as with any state, Iowa is not immune to natural disasters. From derecho storms to tornadoes and flooding, these disasters can strike at any moment, leaving families without power, water, or shelter. It seems all parts of the state have been subject to extended periods of time without electricity, whether it is from a derecho storm, tornado, ice storm, snow storm, or flooding. That’s why it’s important to have essential items on hand to be prepared for the unexpected. By having the right supplies and knowledge, Iowa residents can better protect themselves and their loved ones during times of crisis. In this article, we’ll explore some of the natural disasters that can occur in Iowa and what essential items you should have to be prepared.

Light Sources
Flashlights are a critical tool during a power outage. It’s important to have several on hand, so you can navigate in the dark without needing to share a single flashlight. Make sure to test your flashlights before the power goes out and keep extra batteries in a separate container or bag, so you don’t accidentally mix up used batteries with new ones.
Lanterns and candles can provide more light than flashlights and can be hung up to illuminate a larger area. Be sure to keep them away from flammable objects and never leave them unattended. If you have young children or pets, keep them out of reach.

During a power outage, a radio can be a lifeline to the outside world, especially if cell towers are down or you are trying to conserve your cellphone’s battery. It can provide updates on the status of the power outage, as well as weather and emergency information. Make sure to have extra batteries or a hand-cranked radio, so you don’t need to rely on electricity to stay informed. It seems all parts of Iowa have experienced long periods of time without electricity. It is something that happens during the summer and winter especially.

When our electricity goes out, those who have generators are grateful they invested in them. If you don’t have one, then you have to wait for your electricity to come back on. This could mean food spoiling, and being hot and uncomfortable for a while. That’s why it’s a good idea to have a generator in case of a power outage during the summer. A generator is a machine that can provide electricity when the power grid is down. It can power your home’s air conditioning system, so you can stay cool and comfortable even during an extended power outage.

Now, I know what you might be thinking – “generators are expensive and complicated to use.” While it’s true that generators can be an investment, they can also be a lifesaver during an emergency. And many newer models are designed to be user-friendly, with features like automatic start-up and shut-down, making them easier to use than ever before.
So, if you live in an area where summer power outages are a possibility, having a generator can provide you with peace of mind and keep you and your loved ones safe and comfortable. It’s definitely worth considering as part of your emergency preparedness plan.

Food and Water
Without power, refrigerators and freezers will not work, so it’s important to have non-perishable food that doesn’t require refrigeration. Canned goods, dry snacks, and other non-perishable foods are good options. MREs and dehydrated foods have long shelf lives and can last several years without spoiling. For this reason, it’s ok to have a few extra canned goods and freezer dried or dehydrated meals around for emergencies.

Make sure to also have enough water for drinking, cooking, and hygiene purposes. It’s recommended to have at least one gallon of water per person per day. Gallons of distilled water will last as long as it is sealed. You can also purchase LifeStraws or water purifying pumps to purify water. Iodine tables can also be used to safely drink water.

Cooking Equipment
If you need to cook food without electricity, a portable camping stove or propane grill will be a godsend. You might keep your camping equipment accessible so you can easily cook while your power is out. Make sure to have enough fuel to power the stove or grill. It’s important to only use these appliances in a well-ventilated area to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning.

Without heat, the temperature inside your home can quickly drop at night, especially if a cold front moves in with some storms. Make sure to have warm clothing, blankets, and sleeping bags to keep you warm. It’s better to have too many blankets than not enough. Even in the summer, when exposed to cold water and temperatures, your body can go into hypothermia.

First Aid Kit
In case of injuries or medical emergencies, have a first aid kit with bandages, antiseptic ointment, and other medical supplies. Make sure to check your first aid kit regularly and restock any expired or used items. If you do not know basic first aid, having a paper manual could be a literal life saver. You may not be able to access the information on your phone or computer if the electricity and cellphone towers are down.

Sanitation supplies
Without running water, it’s important to have supplies for personal hygiene, including toilet paper, soap, and hand sanitizer. If possible, stock up on baby wipes or moist towelettes for cleaning. It’s also important to have a plan for disposing of waste if the toilets don’t work.

External Power Bank
So, have you ever been in a situation where the power goes out and your phone is about to die? It’s a frustrating experience, especially if you’re relying on your phone for communication or emergency updates. That’s where a power bank comes in handy! It’s a small, portable device that can store electrical energy and charge your electronic devices like your smartphone, tablet, or laptop.

Think of it like a backup battery that you can carry with you wherever you go. During a power outage, you can plug your devices into the power bank to keep them charged, even if you don’t have access to a power outlet. It’s also a great option if you have medical devices or other important equipment that require electricity. Overall, having a power bank is a smart choice for anyone who wants to stay prepared during unexpected situations. It’s a simple but valuable tool that can keep your devices powered and connected when you need them the most.

In summary, having these supplies on hand can help you manage during a power outage. It’s important to prepare in advance and make sure everyone in your household knows where the supplies are located and how to use them.