Getting Youth Involved in Turkey Hunting

Getting Youth Involved in Turkey Hunting
By Jessica Graham
I remember sitting in the timber, listening to the song birds wake up and the first gobbles begin. At this time, I was a young hunter, and I just was so excited to get to hunt or to tag along with my dad or uncles turkey hunting. Even though the turkey numbers were not as abundant back then, I was still excited and hopeful that a gobbler would fly down from the roost and want to strut by out by our decoys. My dad was on one side of the tree, and I was on the other side, barrel down and enjoying the morning. These are the moments I will never forget, and became the foundation that I build on every spring when turkey season rolls around.
Turkey hunting can be a fantastic way to introduce kids to the outdoors and instill valuable life skills. Here are some reasons to consider taking a kid on a turkey hunt.
Passing It On
Deer season was what hooked me, but for some hunters, turkey season is what first ignites a passion for the outdoors. Turkey hunting is a lot more interactive, with the gobbling before daylight, you know the gobblers are around. Then begins the hunt, the careful, selective calling. When you’re lucky, you will get to see a group of jakes, or have a tom gobble back. A pre-dawn hunt offers stunning visuals: colorful skies, budding trees, and the symphony of birdsongs. This immersion in nature fosters a love and respect for the environment and instill a need to preserve and respect nature. This is where conservations and true hunters are born.
Hunting, done ethically, is a cornerstone of wildlife conservation. Understanding the role of responsible hunting in population control and habitat management fosters a sense of environmental stewardship in young minds.
Introduction to Hunting
Turkeys are intelligent and fascinating birds. Kids can learn about their unique calls, behaviors, habitat needs, and can begin to develop woodmanship skills. Observing and understanding these magnificent creatures sparks curiosity and a sense of wonder. Additionally, turkey hunting requires periods of quiet observation and waiting. This can be challenging when introducing kids to turkey hunting, but it’s a valuable skill to cultivate. By learning patience and focus, they can excel not only in hunting but also other aspects of life.
The thrill of outsmarting a wary turkey is a unique experience, and keeps us waking up well before dawn to pursue these birds. Successfully calling in a bird and making an ethical harvest instills a sense of accomplishment and builds confidence in young hunters.
Family Bonding & Shared Memories
My favorite part about turkey hunting is spending time outdoors with family. Creating lasting memories, and celebrating successes strengthens family bonds and is time well spent, you won’t regret it! For many families, hunting is packed with tradition passed down through generations. While waiting on a tom, you can use this time to share stories.
Although the kill is not the sole purpose of the hunt, food tastes better when you hunt it yourself. A successful hunt can provide a lean and healthy protein source family and friends can enjoy together.
Etiquette & Safety First
Hunter education is paramount. Responsible adults can instill essential firearm safety protocols, ethical hunting practices, and respect for the land and wildlife. This creates a foundation for safe and responsible hunters. It’s easy to get excited and a responsible adult reiterating safety will leave a lasting impression.
For me, having my dad take me out turkey hunting was (and still is) the highlight of my spring. This spring, consider taking a youth hunter out invite them to tag along with you. You will have the opportunity to introduce hunting in a safe environment, and foster a drive for future hunting.