
Don’t Overlook The Small Tracts
The story of David and goliath crossed my mind as I maneuvered through corn and tall grass toward the tree where my quarry awaits. Three doves perched unsuspectingly in the weathered black locust on the northwest end of the one acre drainage creek. As I inch closer, I am thankful that I have such an […]
Compound Bow 101: What are the parts of your bow?
By: Nick Jedlicka Okay, count me as one of the guilty! I was not always totally up to speed on what the various parts and functions of my compound bow were. Maybe this was not such a big deal. For a beginner, it may not be essential to know every tidbit of info – but […]
Pass The Time With DIY Deer Hunting Projects
How many of you whitetail archery hunters already have a count down to opening day on October 1st? Chalk me up as guilty. The good news is that every day the sun rises we are one day closer to that glorious day. The bad news; we still have, depending on when you read this article, […]