
Dotting your I’s with Red Dot Scopes

Dotting your I’s with Red Dot Scopes By Michael Ware “Hey, I want one of those red dot sights.” We hear that almost daily when folks pop by the CCA North American Headquarters as my right hand man, Dave, refers to the shop. In reality our place is so small you could hurl a whiffle […]


10 Myths about Food Plots

10 Myths about Food Plots By Jessica Graham It is no secret that food plots play a primary role in attracting and holding a diverse wildlife population on your property. A recent study confirmed that starvation is the third biggest attributor to deer mortality. Planting a food plot will aid the survival of deer in […]


Planning the Year’s Food Plot

Planning the Year’s Food Plot By Tim Peplinski Introduction- I guess there may be other reasons to plant a food plot. It’s fun. When done right they look really good and make for good pictures to send to your buddies. They build our confidence and give us something to do outside of hunting season. But […]


Whitetails 365: Year Round Management for a Thriving Deer Season in 2024

Whitetails 365: Year Round Management for a Thriving Deer Season in 2024 By Aaron McKinney In May, a lot of Iowa Sportsmen shift their focus from deer to turkey and fishing. However, for some of us, we are always planning and doing what we can for the upcoming deer season. There are some things you […]


A Practical Plan to Purchasing Iowa Recreational Ground

A Practical Plan to Purchasing Iowa Recreational Ground By Jessica Graham If you’re an Iowa outdoorsman, you have probably dreamed of owning your own land, a piece you can call your own. A place to cast a line, blaze a trail, or just sit under the stars and connect with our creator and nature. We […]


Shed Hunting: Improve Your Skills and Find More Done!

Shed Hunting: Improve Your Skills and Find More Done! By Gary Parsons The bows and firearms have been stowed for the year and the whitetails that made it through another season of bullets and arrows can rest easy for nine months. However, for us whitetail hunters it is going to be a long agonizing nine […]


Capturing a Picture of your Trophy

Capturing a Picture of your Trophy By Aaron Stonehocker Landing the lunker or blood tracking your biggest deer yet to its final resting point is about as good as it gets for the sportsman. These moments turn your average day fishing or hunting into a day worthy of a chapter in “Chicken Soup for the […]


Tools for Success: A Beginners Guide on Less is More

Tools for Success: A Beginners Guide on Less is More By Aaron Stonehocker As the sun sets on the 2014 hunting seasons, I reflect on where I have been as a hunter. While breaking down my bow for the season without having launched a single arrow, I cannot help but feel as though this season […]


Whitetails 365: Creating A Thriving Deer Food Plot in the Timber

Whitetails 365: Creating A Thriving Deer Food Plot in the Timber By Aaron McKinney As hunters, some of our favorite stands are in the timber, and most of us would rather be in the timber, right in the middle of a deer’s habitat. The crunchy fall leaves and the scent of acorns falling draw both […]


What Now?

What Now? By Noel Gandy The old saying, ”Time flies when you’re having fun,” is certainly true when it goes to the Iowa whitetail season. Hunters who were once budding with anticipation for the October 1st opener are now left asking themselves, “Where did the time go?” For the passionate deer hunter there can be […]