
Blind Ambition: Finding The Perfect Hunting Blind for your Needs

Blind Ambition: Finding The Perfect Hunting Blind for your Needs By Jessica Graham In the early morning hours, as the sun peeks over the horizon, a hushed anticipation fills the air. I sit in my hunting blind, carefully concealed amidst the heart of deer country. This blind, on my Dad’s property, provides me with a […]


Tips to Maximize your Duck Season

Tips to Maximize your Duck Season By Randy McPherren Probably more important than the type of decoy set up you create is finding the right spot to hunt. Where are the best places to go in your area? How do you locate the spot in your area? Like Iowa, most states have public marshes, wildlife […]


Trying Something New In Iowa’s Outdoors

Trying Something New In Iowa’s Outdoors By Troy Hoepker With promise of a beautiful spring day, I had made plans for an all outdoors St. Patty’s Day a few years back for my 6-year old son Dylan and I. The plan was for us to go coyote calling together and then look for some Indian […]


Be Careful of Poisonous Plants… and Pesky ones Too!

Be Careful of Poisonous Plants… and Pesky ones Too! By Steve Weisman I don’t think anything beats being out in nature on a nice summer day. Whether it is going for a walk on a neighborhood pathway, along a favorite stream or in the woods…a gentle breeze and sunny skies make for the perfect combination. […]


Whitetails 365

Whitetails 365: Finding the Perfect Public Land Deer Hunting Spot By Aaron McKinney So, you want some more hunting ground, but cannot afford it. This is the case of most of us. However, you should consider using the publica hunting land available. Right now, you can start scouting these public areas in preparation for opening […]


Dressing Up Your Pond with Native Habitat

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Curing a Shooting Slump

Curing a Shooting Slump By Troy Hoepker Dealing with a miss is frustrating enough, but dealing with several misses in a row is maddening at times. Shooting firearms is a bit like anything else that takes hand-eye coordination, good balance and proper mechanics. Sometimes one simple thing is all it takes to correct a problem […]


Puppy Development – The Most Important Stage In Your Gundogs Training

Puppy Development – The Most Important Stage In Your Gundogs Training By Ryan Eder – President, Southfork Retrievers, Avery Outdoors In the past months we have been discussing puppies, starting with picking a breed, a reputable breeder, and then basic puppy management. This month let’s touch on some concepts to help you develop a great […]


Share Your Hunt: How To Take Your Hunting Stories to the Next Level

Share Your Hunt: How To Take Your Hunting Stories to the Next Level By Aaron Stonehocker Every Successful hunt is always capped off with a story that you will be telling for years to come. As sportsmen, one thing we all can agree on is that the memory of a hunt is as vivid in […]


All Things Are Not Equal

All Things Are Not Equal By Earl Taylor Forewarning; if you believe man and animals evolved from nothing, this article will not make much sense to you. There is a friendly banter amongst Iowa hunters about the hardest animal to shoot in the Hawkeye state. Each hunter believes the quarry he is chasing is the […]