
Don’t Be….That Guy

Throughout my life, I have stumbled across individuals who cause the rolling of my eyes. I’m sure, with a few reflective moments, you have experienced the same. This being brought to surface, we are going to take a look at the cause of such eye juggling, as it applies to hunting or fishing camps. For […]


Improve Your Archery Accuracy – Podcast

Welcome to another episode of The Iowa Sportsman Podcast!  Archery season is just around the corner and who couldn’t use a little refresher on fundamentals of shooting your bow to optimize your accuracy?  After all how well you shoot is one of few things you can control when bowhunting for whitetails!  On this episdoe Ben […]


Keeping Your Youngster Entertained

Creating a great experience when taking a child turkey hunting, involves more than just a successful hunt with a dead bird. We all want the hunt to be successful whenever we have a child along, but the ultimate goal is simply creating a positive experience that will instill in them the desire to want to […]


Difference in Ammo Accuracy

Have you ever heard the United States Marine Corps Rifleman’s Creed? It begins; “This is my rifle. There are many like it but this one is mine.” Perhaps you have? If you haven’t, look it up. Marines train as riflemen first and they learn the creed in turn to accept their rifle as a brother […]


Trap, Skeet, and Sporting Clays; Three Great Ways to Improve Wing Shooting

“Here they come”, I thought to myself, as a bevy of mourning doves came sailing towards me over the picked cornfield with the intention of finding a roost in the locust grove at my back. As I raised the bead of my shotgun to the belly of the lead bird, I digress back to my […]


Through the Eyes of the DNR

Through the Eyes of the DNR; Top Ten Most Common Violations Seen During Hunting Seasons So, you went to school and you made it happen. After, you saw what you wanted, you jumped through the many hoops, and luckily became one of the few hired in this much desired profession you went through a lot […]


Keeping Your Youngster Entertained

Creating a great experience when taking a child turkey hunting, involves more than just a successful hunt with a dead bird. We all want the hunt to be successful whenever we have a child along, but the ultimate goal is simply creating a positive experience that will instill in them the desire to want to […]


Safety in the Field

Safety in the field and out of the field is something that many of us practice routinely throughout the hunting season. The standard regime of keeping the barrel pointed away from others, knowing what’s behind your target and keeping the safety on until you are ready to shoot is standard procedure in most hunter’s safety […]


Waterfowl Lingo

Have you ever walked outside and listened to the Snow Geese or Canada’s and wonder what on earth they could be screaming about? Or how about a group of mallards working a marsh and all you can hear is chuckling or that lone hen screaming out a cadence. What about the whistle of Woodies screaming […]


Wingshooting: Improving Success on Tough Shots

In a world of wingshooting perfection, our gun barrels would meet their mark despite all odds and unfavorable shooting scenarios. Every pull of the trigger is a direct and focused payload that undoubtedly hits where intended. A limit of birds always equals the number of shells spent. You may laugh, not because this is false, […]