
Tank of Gas Sportsman Getaways

Tank of Gas Sportsman Getaways By Earl Taylor The thought of a fancy vacation, complete with Disney World or a visit to the Grand Tetons is every parent’s hope; but reality sets in when the billfold is thin and time off from work is limited. Sometimes, life consumes us. You may need to break up […]


Myth Busters: Gun Dog Edition

Myth Busters: Gun Dog Edition By Ryan Eder What I love most about training hunting dogs and sharing the field with bird dogs in particular is the history of the sport. Sure, our products and gear have improved, and training methods are always evolving, but the simple fact remains that hunters have used sporting dogs […]


Snow Geese: The Bonus Season!

Snow Geese: The Bonus Season! By Ryan Eder This season we have examined what it takes to be successful hunting Canada geese; from decoy spreads to the time of the year and everything in between on how to strategize for success in the field. Snow geese present many of the same challenges, along with additional […]


Pre-order the Iowa Sportsman Atlas Today!

THE 2020 IOWA SPORTSMAN ATLAS IS ALMOST HERE!!! For only $24.95 you can pre-order your copy to receive $5 off the regular price. Just click on this link below to pre-order today! https://livestockmedia.ecwid.com/Iowa-Sportsmans-Atlas-2020-Edition-Now-Accepting-Pre-Orders-p166594828  


A Waterfowl Journey

A Waterfowl Journey By Nick Johnson It starts with a change. That first real bite of cold in early fall when the leaves have barely started to turn and daylight periods grow shorter. It isn’t a rapid change, but more of a coaxing that sends those first early migrants on their southward journey. Waterfowlers sense […]


Life of a Conservation Officer with Dan Henderson – Podcast


Winter Training Drills

Winter Training Drills By Ryan Eder Do not let the winter season be an excuse to not train your dog. Are you catching onto my theme this year? There are several things we can do with our dogs during the winter months (aside from hunting) to not only keep our dogs sharp, but continue to […]


50 Ways To Bide Time As An Offseason Hunter

By Kent Boucher If you are like me your favorite hunting season is when you feel most alive. Calling upon skills you haven’t used for a year, clearing your schedule of nearly all other responsibilities and breaking the gaze into the digital abyss are just a few of the rare indulgences we get to enjoy […]


CRP & Upland Species w/ Todd Bogenschutz – Podcast


Support Those Who Support You

Before I begin, thrown on the table is the fact that I realize there will be worthy organizations to which I fail to allude. Said admission shared, please understand this comes not from a lack of respect; but a severe lack of brain activity within my cranial cavity. This, by no means, should point to […]