
Carry Ammo: Choose Wisely and Shoot what you choose!

Carry Ammo: Choose Wisely and Shoot what you choose! By Michael Ware Since the change from “May Issue” Iowa weapons permits back in 2010 we’ve seen a monster uptick in the number of people attaining their Permit to Carry here in Iowa. At the time the “Shall Issue” law passed Iowa hovered around 37,000 permit […]


A Look at the Chesapeake Bay Retriever

A Look at the Chesapeake Bay Retriever By Ryan Eder Here in the Midwest, we face some of the harshest conditions during our hunting seasons imaginable. Temperatures near zero, brisk winds, snow and of course frozen bodies of water are very typical for the Midwest bird hunter. Some of us hunt waterfowl, others hunt upland […]


The Standard Hunting Poodle

The Standard Hunting Poodle By Ryan Eder I’ll be honest, I never imagined being in a duck blind with a poodle. The thought of trekking through a field in pursuit of a rooster pheasant and shooting over a poodle just never occurred to me. I would venture to guess that this is true for many […]


When we Steady our Upland Hunting Dogs

When we Steady our Upland Hunting Dogs By Ryan Eder Steady to Wing Pointers: For a pointer to be steady to wing (or steady to flush) this would mean that once the dog goes on point, they remain on point while the handler searches for the bird and kicks the bird up (this would also […]


Field Hunting Mallards

Field Hunting Mallards As I looked through my binoculars, I couldn’t help feeling like an artillery battery waiting for the next wave of fighters. Checking the horizon for that distinct line in the sky.  As I squinted harder I saw them!  The first small wave followed by a much larger more intimidating squadron.  I threw […]


Snow Fall Canada’s

Snow Fall Canada’s Few things compare to waterfowl hunting, and nothing compares to watching geese in the snow. The sound seems amplified; the acoustics of that distant moan or group would rival any concert.  The view of that line of honkers in perfect formation rushing to dinner with snow falling is majestic to say the […]


Tank of Gas Sportsman Getaways

Tank of Gas Sportsman Getaways By Earl Taylor The thought of a fancy vacation, complete with Disney World or a visit to the Grand Tetons is every parent’s hope; but reality sets in when the billfold is thin and time off from work is limited. Sometimes, life consumes us. You may need to break up […]


Myth Busters: Gun Dog Edition

Myth Busters: Gun Dog Edition By Ryan Eder What I love most about training hunting dogs and sharing the field with bird dogs in particular is the history of the sport. Sure, our products and gear have improved, and training methods are always evolving, but the simple fact remains that hunters have used sporting dogs […]


Snow Geese: The Bonus Season!

Snow Geese: The Bonus Season! By Ryan Eder This season we have examined what it takes to be successful hunting Canada geese; from decoy spreads to the time of the year and everything in between on how to strategize for success in the field. Snow geese present many of the same challenges, along with additional […]


Pre-order the Iowa Sportsman Atlas Today!

THE 2020 IOWA SPORTSMAN ATLAS IS ALMOST HERE!!! For only $24.95 you can pre-order your copy to receive $5 off the regular price. Just click on this link below to pre-order today! https://livestockmedia.ecwid.com/Iowa-Sportsmans-Atlas-2020-Edition-Now-Accepting-Pre-Orders-p166594828