
Exploring Iowa’s Pheasant Heritage

Exploring Iowa’s Pheasant Heritage By Troy Hoepker I venture to guess that Iowa residents of Black Hawk, Grundy, Butler and Bremer counties in 1901 and 1902 had to wonder, “What is this mysterious bird that seemingly appeared on the Iowa prairie almost overnight?” It’s large chicken-like size, beautiful plumage and distinct white stripe encircling the […]


“Daddy, I’m big enough to go too”

“Daddy, I’m big enough to go too” By Troy Hoepker When you’re 6 years old it’s just plain hard to watch Dad load the truck and then disappear with your puppy for a morning of pheasant hunting without you! That’s especially true when your older brother, who is old enough to hunt himself, sometimes gets […]


Successful Iowa Duck Hunting

Successful Iowa Duck Hunting By Nick Johnson Long at last, waterfowl season is upon us once again. This is a time of year that I have cherished since my early years as a hunter and something that reignites the excitement and passion, no different than October 1st for the bow guys and gals, or that […]


Hunting Early Season Pheasants

Hunting Early Season Pheasants By Jessica Graham October is finally here and for pheasant hunters, that means Iowa’s pheasant season will soon open. We know from survey results that last year’s pheasant hunting was phenomenal. In fact, hunters harvested more pheasants last year than any year in the last decade. We want this year to […]


30 Things Every Hunter Worth their Salt Should Know How To Do

30 Things Every Hunter Worth their Salt Should Know How To Do By Aaron Stonehocker Sportsmen come from all walks of life: rich, poor, young, retired, self-inspired, or groomed into the lifestyle by those who came before us. It is safe to say that no two hunters have precisely the same tastes when it comes […]


Hunting Iowa’s Wild Pheasants

Hunting Iowa’s Wild Pheasants By Troy Hoepker As my son Dylan and I turned onto the gravel road leading to our opening day hunting spot last fall we kept our fingers crossed that maybe we’d be lucky enough to be the first hunters to arrive at the IHAP public hunting farm. It was still a […]


What’s in a Hunt Test?

What’s in a Hunt Test? By Ryan J. Eder As bird hunters there is so much we enjoy about our experiences in the field. Shooting your limit of birds, enjoying time with family and friends, or simply taking in the outdoors are all part of those great experiences. I am going to be honest; I […]


10 Disasters to Avoid with your Gundog

10 Disasters to Avoid with your Gundog By Kent Boucher I remember as a kid thumbing through an outdoor magazine and noticing a striking advertisement- the product being advertised was evidently irrelevant to the function of my long term memory, but the message must have been worthy. In bold white lettering above a picture of […]


Hunter Education, It’s Much More Than Just a Class

Hunter Education, It’s Much More Than Just a Class By Steve Webner Hunting is special in that it can be a solo sport, or you can get a few friends together and enjoy the outdoor experiences together. Some people are forced to hunt alone due to safety, or the lack there of, from others. Walking […]


Summer Skin Care

Summer Skin Care By Jessica Graham My friend grabbed his hat before we ventured outside. I’m used to seeing him without a hat, so this was a little different routine. I must have had a confused look on my face, because he began to explain a meeting he had with his physician, warning him of […]