
Dressing Up Your Pond with Native Habitat

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Puppy Development – The Most Important Stage In Your Gundogs Training

Puppy Development – The Most Important Stage In Your Gundogs Training By Ryan Eder – President, Southfork Retrievers, Avery Outdoors In the past months we have been discussing puppies, starting with picking a breed, a reputable breeder, and then basic puppy management. This month let’s touch on some concepts to help you develop a great […]


Share Your Hunt: How To Take Your Hunting Stories to the Next Level

Share Your Hunt: How To Take Your Hunting Stories to the Next Level By Aaron Stonehocker Every Successful hunt is always capped off with a story that you will be telling for years to come. As sportsmen, one thing we all can agree on is that the memory of a hunt is as vivid in […]


Establishing and Maintaining Native Warm Season Grasses

Establishing and Maintaining Native Warm Season Grasses By Jessica Graham My husband and I just moved to our current residence a few years ago. During that first year, we knew we wanted to attract wildlife to our property. We wanted to create a wildlife mecca, holding gamebirds, deer, and other wildlife. The first steps included […]


All Things Are Not Equal

All Things Are Not Equal By Earl Taylor Forewarning; if you believe man and animals evolved from nothing, this article will not make much sense to you. There is a friendly banter amongst Iowa hunters about the hardest animal to shoot in the Hawkeye state. Each hunter believes the quarry he is chasing is the […]


Making the Cut: What Knife is best for you this Season?

Making the Cut: What Knife is best for you this Season? By Aaron Stonehocker When it comes to hunting, there is no shortage of age-old debates that hunters like to dive into: archery vs. firearms, meat hunter vs. horn hunters, fixed blade vs. expandable broadheads, 6.5 Creedmoor vs. B-52 bomber to name a few. One […]


Iowa Pheasants Make A Comeback

Iowa Pheasants Make A Comeback By Jessica Graham Growing up, I would hear hunting stories from my Dad about his youth, most of these were shared while we were in the field pursuing our own game. During his youth, deer were scarce, there were just a few days a year set aside for deer hunting […]


Planting Switchgrass for Cover

Planting Switchgrass for Cover By Steve Webner “Switchgrass on my property would be a great way to bring in the pheasants”. This is what I told myself, an avid pheasant hunter, after I bought a small acreage in northwest Iowa. However, I knew enough about plants to know that I was no agronomist, and the […]


So you want to be a dog breeder?

So you want to be a dog breeder? By Ryan Eder Being a dog breeder consists of several responsibilities to your dogs and your clients. You are providing customers with a family member and a twelve plus year commitment; not a responsibility one should take lightly. The time and money necessary to have healthy and […]


New Year’s Resolutions for Sportsman

New Year’s Resolutions for Sportsman By Ben Leal New Year’s Eve…2022… we’ll be up late and watch the ball drop in New York City signifying the sunset of the year and the dawn of a new one. Like every year that has come and gone, folks from all walks of life resolve to make a […]