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Should I Breed My Dog?

Should I Breed My Dog? By Ryan Eder A simple google search this morning told me a lot when I began prepping to write this article; “how many puppies are born each year in the United States?” What would your guess be? The first result that popped up in my search was that of up […]


A Story of Safety

A Story of Safety By Drew Henry The ducks have been scouted. The spread has been set. You are waiting with sheer anticipation in your layout blind, blanketed over by the early morning darkness. You are blessed to have your father along on the hunt, both of you sipping hot coffee and taking in the […]


The Gun Shy Dog

The Gun Shy Dog By Ryan Eder I can see how having a hunting dog that is afraid of gunfire is a problem, can you? It would be difficult to hunt with your dog if gunfire scared them away, or caused them to demonstrate anxiety or confusion. The issue of gun shyness in our hunting […]


Constructing a Pheasant Haven

Constructing a Pheasant Haven By Tim Ackarman By creating or enhancing wildlife habitat, landowners can turn almost any Iowa tract into a pheasant-hunting paradise. While introducing non-native species has often created unforeseen problems, the importation of the ring-necked pheasant from Asia has been a rare unmitigated success. In the late 19th and early 20th century’s […]


Keeping Your Bird Dog in Range

Keeping Your Bird Dog in Range By Ryan Eder One of the best compliments I feel a bird hunter can get (other than comments about how great of a shot you are, which never happens to me) is “how did you get your dog to stay in range like that?” Having our dog hunt at […]


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How Weather Affects Accuracy

How Weather Affects Accuracy By Troy Hoepker Many of us seek out a day to sight in our rifle when winds are calm, temperatures are warm and comfortable, and after being pleased with how the rifle shoots, happily put it away until that first all-important day that we hunt in the fall or winter. I […]


Puppy Time

Puppy Time By Ryan Eder We are entering the time of year where those considering a new puppy begin the process of researching and looking for their next companion. This is no surprise, after all, the holidays are a time where people have time off of work, and kids are home from school on holiday […]


Snow Goose Hunting Strategy – Podcast