
PVC? Is It Right for Me?

PVC? Is It Right for Me? By Ryan Graden The Start Being an avid hunter, I have enjoyed the outdoors for many years. It all began as a five year old double-timing my steps in order to keep up with the strides of my father, uncles, and grandfathers as they walked through the timber. Every […]


Last Chance Longbeards: When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Hunt Smarter

Last Chance Longbeards: When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Hunt Smarter By Nick Johnson It was a warm May morning in southern Iowa. Gobbles shattered the shrinking darkness as the sun lazily drew closer to the eastern horizon. I was hunting with Patrick McKinney, Publisher of The Iowa Sportsman Magazine, and we had high […]


Purist or Progressive. Where Do You Stand?

Purist or Progressive – Where do you Stand? By Ryan Graden Progressive or Purist? Which one are you? Chances are that you probably lean towards one of these categories but your stance may vary on each end of the spectrum. In my 30 years of hunting I have had the privilege to see the sport […]


5 Killer Stand Locations

5 Killer Stand Locations By Sean Wuller Well it’s that time of year again, your November date with that deer of a lifetime is calling and there is work to do. By now food plots have been planted, mineral stations have been installed (per state regulations), trail cameras have been hung and the data from […]


Cutting Trees on Iowa’s Public Lands

Cutting Trees On Iowa’s Public Lands By Steve Weisman Want to get a controversy started? Well, let’s talk about cutting trees on Iowa’s public lands! You are going to get a whirlwind discussion for and against. Why is it such an emotional topic? We see people planting trees in their yards and shelterbelts around farmsteads. […]


The Essential Tools of a Turkey Hunter

The Essential Tools of a Turkey Hunter By Nick Johnson Gear is something that we as hunters pay a great deal of attention to. Most of us who hunt own a fair assortment of “stuff”; the essential tools that drive our success and empty our wallets. Some of it is a complete necessity, some a […]


10 Ways to Reduce the Price per Pound

10 Ways to Reduce the Price per Pound By Earl Taylor Spending money brings me pain; spending money on eating out in a fancy restaurant brings me more pain; spending money on a new vehicle…I have never done this so I don’t know how much pain that would be; spending money on a hunting trip […]


Master the Pop-Up Blinds

Master the Pop-Up Blinds By David Holder As soon as the buck walked out of sight, I hit the antlers. Two minutes later, he was standing on the edge of the food plot looking for the fight he just heard. My cameraman and myself were sitting in a ground blind right smack dab in the […]


Taking A Long-Lasting Memory

Taking A Long-Lasting Memory By Ryan Graden “A picture is worth a thousand words.” It’s a phrase that we’ve all heard before. However, as a sportsman, I would argue, “A picture is worth a thousand memories.” As I’m am typing this article in my office, I am surrounded by pictures and memories on my walls […]


Blind Ambition: Finding The Perfect Hunting Blind for your Needs

Blind Ambition: Finding The Perfect Hunting Blind for your Needs By Jessica Graham In the early morning hours, as the sun peeks over the horizon, a hushed anticipation fills the air. I sit in my hunting blind, carefully concealed amidst the heart of deer country. This blind, on my Dad’s property, provides me with a […]