
Gaining Access To Private Property


Pre-order the Iowa Sportsman Atlas Today!

THE 2020 IOWA SPORTSMAN ATLAS IS ALMOST HERE!!! For only $24.95 you can pre-order your copy to receive $5 off the regular price. Just click on this link below to pre-order today! https://livestockmedia.ecwid.com/Iowa-Sportsmans-Atlas-2020-Edition-Now-Accepting-Pre-Orders-p166594828  


Life of a Conservation Officer with Dan Henderson – Podcast


Beware The Nightmare

Beware the Nightmare By Bruster Beaty As participants of the tremendous offerings afforded by the great outdoors, we are constantly seeking new adventures. I must admit, however, the most heartfelt nimrodial memories are those nurtured during my excursions to the lakes, woods, and streams within shooting distance of home. Be that as it may, there […]


50 Ways To Bide Time As An Offseason Hunter

By Kent Boucher If you are like me your favorite hunting season is when you feel most alive. Calling upon skills you haven’t used for a year, clearing your schedule of nearly all other responsibilities and breaking the gaze into the digital abyss are just a few of the rare indulgences we get to enjoy […]


Support Those Who Support You

Before I begin, thrown on the table is the fact that I realize there will be worthy organizations to which I fail to allude. Said admission shared, please understand this comes not from a lack of respect; but a severe lack of brain activity within my cranial cavity. This, by no means, should point to […]


The Changing of Scenery: Where to Place Your Stand at Different Times of The Season

Let’s face it, archery hunting for whitetails isn’t always easy, in fact most of the time it’s the exact opposite. I mean, sure, sometimes you have great luck and you’re in the right place at the right time. But, those situations are few and far between. (At least for me!) And that’s what keeps me […]


Being a Soldier Made Me a Better Sportsman

I Started hunting with my father when I was 9 years old. That Ithaca Model 37 was longer than I was and my heavy insulated rubber boots made walking through the fields and woods quite difficult. Hard as it was I loved every minute of it. Whether it was hunting deer or squirrel in the […]


Big Events Change the Industry

Do you recall significant events that impacted your life? I think we all do. What about a date or event that stands out specific to the firearms industry or those impacting the Second Amendment? Requests like this sometimes come with a bit of research. Sure, when my publisher, Patrick, approached me for this article I […]


Don’t Be….That Guy

Throughout my life, I have stumbled across individuals who cause the rolling of my eyes. I’m sure, with a few reflective moments, you have experienced the same. This being brought to surface, we are going to take a look at the cause of such eye juggling, as it applies to hunting or fishing camps. For […]