
10 Reasons We LOVE to Hunt

10 Reasons We LOVE to Hunt By Kevin Sturm One thing I have learned over the years is, we as hunters all share a love for the sport called hunting. I always find it interesting how I can be talking to a perfect stranger and honestly, not be engaged or invested in the conversation, more […]


Camping: Plan Around Your Families Wants and Needs

Camping: Plan Around Your Families Wants and Needs By Earl Taylor When Moses headed into the wilderness, he was told to take just his staff and the bare necessities with him; God told him that He would provide. Moses ate manna, quail and had water gushing from a rock. Pretty good first camping experience if […]


Improve Your 3D Shooting Skills

Improve Your 3D Shooting Skills By Jeremy Adams Binoculars Make sure you have a good set binoculars. By having a good pair of binoculars, with good light transmission, it will help you see the scoring rings on the target, especially if it is a black target like a bear or javalina. Seeing the target can […]


Take a Newbie Shooting. Part 2

Take a Newbie Shooting. Part 2 By Barry B. Snell Once you arrive at the range, get all your gear unpacked, and you’re on the firing line and almost ready to go, it’s a good idea to stop and take a moment to go over the safety rules again. Your newbie is going to be […]


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Three Simple Late Season Turkey Tips

Three Simple Late Season Turkey Tips By Ricky Kinder Gobblers are silent, don’t respond to decoys or calls, have been breeding and fighting, and have been pressured and shot at by hunters for over a month now. If you thought early season turkey hunting was tough then welcome to late season turkey hunting! However with […]


The “Goods” & “Bads” of Late Turkey Hunting

The “Goods” & “Bads” of Late Turkey Hunting By Ryan Graden As you are reading this article, you may or may not know that the 4th Iowa Turkey hunting season is just around the corner! Time is ticking away and the end of Iowa’s turkey seasons is coming near, but it’s not over yet! No […]


Turkey Hunting Q & A

Turkey Hunting Q & A By Ryan Graden, Aaron Stonehocker, and Earl Taylor Time for some Q/A on Turkey Hunting and we are putting our turkey hunting freelance writers on the hot seat. We compiled a list of 10 turkey hunting questions that come up pretty regularly when hunting these wily birds. Keep reading to […]


“Wrapped up World”

“Wrapped up World” By Bruster Beaty As my AeroMexico flight touched the runway at Campeche International Airport, I realized the first, and easiest, leg of this adventure had been completed. The quest was to finally wrap-up my Turkey World Slam. Having taken my Grand Slam (Eastern, Merriam, Rio and Osceola) during the 2006 calendar year […]


Run and Gun Turkey Hunting Strategy Podcast